Sec. Gates was for the most part correct when he told Jake Tapper that Libya “was not a vital national interest to the United States,” however, things begin to get a little muddy when he decided to tow Hillary’s line, “but it was an interest and it was an interest for all of the reasons Secretary Clinton talked about. The engagement of the Arabs, the engagement of the Europeans, the general humanitarian question that was at stake.” Umm, there’s one key factor left out of that fragmented analysis…and it’s not about the ‘general humanitarian question’ that Hillary or Barry would lead us to believe. As Rush informed today: “This chart shows every energy and oil installation in Libya, offshore and on. Every one of them is a European-owned entity. This is no more a humanitarian mission than a mission to save the animals and the pets of Libya. This is about European energy, pure and simple.”

There’s no vital U.S. ‘oil’ interest in sending troops into Libya, but as this map illustrates, there are absolutely vital European energy investments throughout Libya, and our global citizen-in-chief has seized on this. So before liberals begin screaming, “blood for OIL!” they should ask themselves, “whose oil?” The Obama administration has gotten us involved in a ‘war’ for European oil; yet when it comes to OUR oil supplies, well…this administration says leave it in the ground! And how about that ‘financial aid’ to Brazil in the first year of Obama’s reign? Yep...oil for thee, but not for me…or you! I’m sure we can survive on wind and solar alone, right? No answers from Big Government, and don't bank on Obama mentioning this in his address to the nation.