Monday, February 3, 2014

Rush rips Pelosi's lack of responsibility in incredible overreach of the Obamacare 'Big Idea'

“Government is not a solution to our problem, government is the problem.” ~ Ronaldus Magnus
Rush's synopsis of Pelosi's appearance on Jon Stewart's program last week is perfect! Beyond all of Pelosi's I-don't-knows, Rush focuses on one particular utterance from the horse's mouth: 'Well, it's not my responsibility.'
"That little sound bite is a perfect jumping-off point to illustrate for low-information voters, and everybody, what an INCREDIBLE overreach the federal government has underaken here.

Remember, this is the woman, Nancy Pelosi, who when asked what was IN the 2200 pages of Obamacare said, 'We have to pass it to find out what's in it.' What is that? We have to pass it to find out what's in it?

That exemplifies the arrogance, or the stupidity, of tearing apart a system...that insured 85% of the nation, and we tore that apart in order to supposed insure the 15% that weren't covered. ... We had a system where 85% of the nation had insurance, they were covered, and that was deemed 'unfair' by people like Nancy Pelosi and Barack Obama and every other Democrat out there. That wasn't 'fair', that was not good 'social justice', that was 'immoral' because there were 15% who were not covered. So we tore up a system that covered 85% of the nation, and let's not forget that at the ER everybody is covered. By law, everybody is covered, illegals to boot, everybody's covered at the ER. So we tear up a system, best system IN THE WORLD, and in tearing it up, we have people like Pelosi. She was joining Obama, promising people, 'If you like your doctor, you're gonna have no problem keeping your doctor.' 'If you like your insurance plan, you'll be able to keep it.' They were telling us, 'Your premiums are gonna come down $2500.' We had a system that was insuring and taking care of 85% of the nation, but that was 'unfair.' So we tore it apart to cover, and 'be fair' with the 15% who weren't covered.

This is a CLASSIC example of the supposed 'Big Idea' being jammed through without thinking it through, and then incompetently executing it with a cast of amateurs, whose only qualification was their good intensions, supposedly."
Rush goes on to explain the Obama administration's portrayal of private health insurers as 'criminals' who were too greedy and couldn't be trusted, while the government had the 'supposedly larger hearts, which permitted them to care more, which permitted them to have more compassion, and which gave great weight to their great intentions.' And this is what we end up with: a system run by people who've never run anything.

"This little answer of hers, just stunning. They foisted this thing on us. They played dirty politics to foist this thing on us, and they want control of us with this, and now it's not their responsibility."