Monday, February 10, 2014

Rush on the Democrat's no-work-for-healthcare movement

Rush had some interesting comments this morning about the regime's 'jobs are passé' movement, how that's designed to help prop up Obamacare and how that's reflective of last week's CBO report...
"Now, you might think this stuff just springs out of nowhere, like this new phenomenon that a job is passe, that working is punitive and limiting choices -- and not working, being fired but still being paid for your health care, that's liberating. You might think that, wow, this came out of nowhere. It didn't. This is the kind of thing liberals contemplate, write about, dream of all the time."
"People are leaving their jobs in order to qualify for subsidies for ObamaCare. And that has to be turned into something 'good'! In the normal ebb and flow of the United States, the normal ebb and flow of our culture and population, people leaving the work force in order to comply with a federal program would be political disaster for the party that designed it. ... However in this climate, the Media and the Democrats have got to act fast and turn it into a positive so that the party is not hurt by it." ...

"This is a great example of how stupid the Democrats think their voters are. This is simply, this no-work business, liberating no-work, simply a way of taking the disaster that is Obamacare and turning it into something that will not hurt them at the ballot box."

"...this whole notion that work is a punitive thing and that not having to work is a liberating thing, freeing you from bunch of rotten choices and still being able to have your health care, that's what this is really all about.

It's about saving Obamacare and saving the Democrat Party from Obamacare, because, in the normal set of circumstances, this would have destroyed the party that came up with it. It would have ruined their electoral chances -- and it may have done that, by the way. But in a last-gasp effort to save themselves, they're now tarnishing and trashing work as a means of building up Obamacare."

In that final piece, Rush also explains how the Democrats claim that this is a choice that they're giving people...
"'You think you're being forced out, but actually this is what we planned all along, because we love you. We want you to have your health care, and we want you to not have to work for it, and voila, we've done it' When in truth, real life circumstances are forcing people to do whatever they can to get a subsidized policy because that's all they can afford." ...

"The wonderful choice that now we're supposed to be celebrating is one of two things: either lower your income and qualify for a subsidy or lose the subsidy. That's the choice people have, because they can't afford it, folks, otherwise"
Rush went on to comment on the drive-by media's attempt to turn the CBO report around for the Democrats. Of course they typical, propaganda fashion.

Related links: The "Quit Work" Movement is a Cheap Campaign Ploy by Desperate Democrats
Democrats: Work is Punishment