Tuesday, February 11, 2014

RUSH: Obamacare 'will harm the political prospects of the Democrat Party if it's fully implemented'

News was divulged on Friday that our imperial president was considering a 3-year extension of implementing Obamacare's employer mandate, so 'you can keep your health plan' through the next election cycle (you know, the ones already being cancelled!). Well, Rush had a few words about that this morning...
"Folks, this plan is never gonna work. It is impossible to implement. That is what this means. It really isn't complicated at all. The only reason Obama's doing this is to make sure this law does not harm him and his party politically, period, that's it. It is proof positive this thing is a disaster, it is an albatross, it isn't going to do what everybody supporting it promised it would do. It is not going to guarantee the uninsured have insurance. It isn't gonna lower costs. It isn't gonna promote jobs. It isn't gonna lower the deficit.

It is nothing more than an albatross around the neck of the whole country. And the very fact that it cannot be implemented, period, it won't work if it's implemented. It will harm the political prospects of the Democrat Party if it's fully implemented. That's all you need to know about it and that means it isn't going to work. If this thing were the panacea it was promoted to be, they couldn't wait to implement this thing front to back, top to bottom, side to side, as quickly as possible because everybody would love it then and everybody would vote for Democrats and we'd be finished.

But instead they're having to delay the implementation, which means delay the effect, which means delay the impact -- and now, the bloom is off the rose. All across the political spectrum in Washington, everywhere, they all know now..."
"It can't work! And everybody should have known this before it was VOTED on. It's not possible for this to work. It was never possible. It was never going to work. And with each election, the regime itself has confirmed that by delaying it, by preventing it, by making sure that it doesn't get implemented, by making sure that it doesn't happen. Now they're delaying the thing until after Obama's gone!"
Then Rush brings up the fact that there's no evidence that says he's leaving after his second term concludes based on the fact that there's no constitutional evidence that says he can do what he's doing now by changing the law through executive fiat! In other words, WAKE THE HELL UP, CONGRESS!
"The text of Obamacare specifically prohibits what Obama is doing! But very few people are talking about that. They're just saying what I said, 'Well, the implications are here that clearly it doesn't work, and Obama is merely making political maneuvers.' He's making ILLEGAL maneuvers! This is not legal; this is not permitted."
ADDENDUM: Here's more from El Rushbo (via DailyRushbo)...