Thursday, February 6, 2014

RUSH: Obamacare was 'never gonna add up'

Rush was back with us today, and commenting on the CBO report, Rush explains how Obamacare (and all the rest of the statists' agenda) was 'never gonna add up' and why he initially said, 'I hope he fails'...
"...every dire prediction, everything they were lying about, you were told in advance. And every prediction we made about what was going to happen to health care, the economy and jobs has been coming true since the first day of implementation, and the CBO just happened to come along this week and codify it in a so-called nonpartisan way. It is an utter disaster. It was never going to be anything but an utter disaster"
"I don't think gross negligence and incompetence covers this."
Nope. By design.

Related links: RUSH: ObamaCare Is A Success Because It’s Liberating People From The Responsibility Of Working
Why Did I Want Obama to Fail? The Answer is in the CBO Report on Obamacare
CNN/ORC Poll: Majority say Obama's policies will fail