Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Obama gives unconstitutional extension to employers

"The text of Obamacare specifically prohibits what Obama is doing! But very few people are talking about that." ~ El Rushbo
Here's the other disturbing side of the previous post...
FGGAM: Once again, the Obama administration has announced that President Obama will extend a part of the Affordable Care Act (aka Obamacare). Where the president is given this authority is unclear. Constitutional or not, lawful or not, it will be done.

The Obama administration announced Monday it would give medium-sized employers an extra year, until 2016, before they must offer health insurance to their full-time workers. ...

The president has made many modifications to the ACA law, even though the law does not allow for such modifications without the law being sent back to congress. By the same token, congress has not bothered to challenge the president on his unconstitutional actions. Both the house and the senate remain mostly silent.
Perhaps, rather than ask where in the Constitution does the Obama think he's given this authority, maybe we should be asking where the hell does Congress think this is constitutionally permissible? Despite party lines and philosophy, even from the genuine radicals of the Left to the internecene battles on the Right, it's a stretch not to agree with Krauthammer that this is "the stuff that you do in a banana republic."

Without the equal branches, without checks and balances, without the Rule of Law, specifically the restraints and limits that the Framers envisioned, what's to stop the inevitable slide deeper into tyranny?

ADDENDUM: More from Rush on the illegality of Obama's waivers in Wednesday's program...
"Barack Obama and all of his supporters and the entire administration [are] now attempting to criminalize standard, ordinary, everyday, intelligent business decision-making. When what is really illegal and irrational is not what a company does to limit its costs. That's smart! A company must limit its costs. Profitability is how you stay in business; it's how you keep people employed; it's how you provide them health care. What's illegal in spades is Obama's edict."