Thursday, October 24, 2013

VINDICATION: Cruz says it's 'obvious' ObamaCare 'doesn't work'

Despite the disaster of Obamacare and the harm that's being foisted onto the American people due to such a flagrant failure, vindication has gotta feel pretty good for those who've been on the side of Principle fighting it all along...
FoxNation: Texas Senator told Greta Van Susteren on Wednesday's ON THE RECORD that it's getting harder for Democrats to support ObamaCare, that it's clear it is not working, and that he feels momentum shifting against it. He also reflected on being 'reviled' in Washington after the shutdown.

They tried to beat him, but this statesman had TRUTH on his side. Now, he's too humble to gloat and too cordial to throw this vindication back at I will. I've got the same message for a quisling like McCain as I've got for that wretch known as Harry Reid: SUCK IT!

Related link: Vindication? 'Reviled' Sen. Ted Cruz: 'It's becoming harder and harder' for Democrats to defend ObamaCare