Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Cavuto to Obama: One too many promises broken

“Here is why Americans don’t trust this health care law: they do not trust the guy who created this health care law. The guy who said we could keep our doctor but now acknowledges maybe not. … That guy is you, Mr. President”
Damn! Even Levin had to stop and play Neil Cavuto's monologue on his show tonight, because it sums up all of this presidency so perfectly...not only why people don't trust Obamacare, but how they're finally putting the pieces together and don't trust the broken man behind a broken federal agenda...the two are the same and more people are recognizing that.
"The promises broken, the promises forgotten. Lost in the legalese of an administration now drifting, and an administration's whose idea of action is making a good speech, and suddenly shocked to find out Americans are now saying, 'Good grief!' Because they've heard all they want to hear, Mr. President, and they don't want to hear anymore. Because they thought you meant what you said, but they've come to discover what you said you didn't mean. That's what all this means, sir. One too many promises broken, and now just broke. That's what is at issue here, Mr. President. It's not that Americans find you to be a broken record. I hate to break it to you, sir, they find that your broke, period. No follow-through, just through."

Bravo, Neil!