Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Death panels alive and well in Canada...and coming soon to America

You betcha! The more truth discovered, the bigger the administration's lie grows...
IBD: Canada's Supreme Court has ruled that under the "law of the land" in Ontario, a government board, not the family or doctors, has the ultimate power to pull the plug on a patient.

Lost in the discussion of defunding ObamaCare and the failed effort in Congress is the fact that failure means the government's ability to defund your life through the ObamaCare's Independent Payment Advisory Board (IPAB) remains. IPAB is regarded by many, starting with former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin, as a death panel whose decisions based on cost effectiveness would result in health care rationing.

A glimpse of this brave new world can be had by casting a glance at our neighbor to the north. There, Canada's Supreme Court ruled 5-2 that under Ontario's Health Care Consent Act, which has been on the books for nearly two decades, doctors cannot overrule a family's wishes for an incapacitated patient regarding life or death decisions, but an administrative tribunal can.
In another decade folks will either be scratching their heads, wondering why they didn't listen to folks like Palin sooner...that or they'll be such beaten down subjects of the State that they won't question much of anything anymore.

Related link: U.S. doctors now arbiters of life and death?