In 2009 when Obama was pushing universal healthcare, he quickly realized that his dreams of a single-payer, government-run socialized system would never pass Congress. His other option was a "public option," which most knew to be a Trojan Horse for single-payer, slowly eviscerating the private insurance industry. The "compromise" (if we can call Obama compromising with himself) was ObamaCare.
As time goes on, the public becomes fearful that they will not buy the "correct" insurance from whatever company and so slowly the public moves to the Health Exchanges, which will continue to loosen their enrollee income requirements, thus driving private insurance companies out of business.Unaffordable. No care. All control.
The Health Exchanges de facto, then become Obama's Public Option, and when there are no more private insurers, the federal government takes over the States' Health Exchanges, creating a single-payer system.
The Public Option, via ObamaCare thus becomes a socialist Trojan Horse that can be repeated in any industry with a little tinkering.
Related link: The ObamaCare Awakening