Monday, October 28, 2013

Levin examines the President's lies about Obamacare

On Friday, Mark reviewed several past clips of the President flat out LYING about Obamacare. Mark says you should be disgusted by Obama telling you what you ‘can keep.’
"If you listened with the ear that I suggested you listen with, to have somebody stand up there and go on and on about what you can keep, what you're going to get, what he's going to do to you and for you, and it's in every damn one of these clips, every damn one of these speeches, on and on and on, I say to you, ladies and gentlemen: Have we rejected the enlightenment? Have we rejected completely our founding? Must we now rely on one individual or a group of individuals who lie incessantly as they must? Must we rely on them for our sustenance, for our future?"
This entire segment is spot on...check it out!

Related link: Mark Levin Plays ‘DAMNING’ Audio Montage Of Obama’s ‘SERIAL LIES’ On ObamaCare