Thursday, October 17, 2013

Rush asks why GOP focuses on Ted Cruz and not ‘incompetent’ Obama? Imagine if we had 45 Ted Cruzes in the Senate!

Rush posed an excellent question for the Republicans this morning: why focus on Ted Cruz and not Obama?
"You know, with all due respect for those of you inside the Beltway, those of us out here don’t understand why you look at Ted Cruz as your number one enemy and not Obama — and why you look at Mike Lee and Cruz and maybe even Sarah Palin or talk radio or RedState or whoever. Why are we the enemy? We’re not doing anything. Barack Obama has got the wrecking ball. Why can’t you people focus on Obama? That’s the question we ask ..."

"We out here are wondering why you're so afraid of us and Ted Cruz, and you don't, I mean, you don't even get anywhere near criticizing Obama the way you do Ted Cruz and Sarah Palin and other upstarts. And we scratch our heads over this, because we don't look at ourselves as the enemy. We think we want the same things you do. Maybe we don't. Maybe you do want a big government with yourselves in charge, but we don't."

The same can be posed towards their projected resentment and outright viciousness towards the tea party versus their actual political opponents on the Democratic side of the aisle.

But Rush wasn't done there. He also pointed out what else the entirety of the Washington establishment missed...something the media certainly doesn't want to point out, but something that all of us outside the Beltway see with clarity...
"So those inside the Beltway miss a lot that they don’t have any idea they miss it. One of the things that we learned out here in flyover country, and actually something we already knew, is that one guy with some supporters, one guy standing up can change everything. We learned that one guy standing up can stop the status quo in its tracks. Can you imagine in this last five years, if we would’ve had five or ten Ted Cruzes?

Can you imagine the different dynamic? Can you imagine? If we had five or ten Ted Cruzes, we’d win a lot of debates. If we had 45 Ted Cruzes in the Senate, we’d come close to winning every vote — and that’s what everybody outside the Beltway sees — and I’m telling you, and particularly the Republicans insides the Beltway do not. They look at Cruz, and they’re embarrassed, and they hope nobody thinks that they like Cruz — and I’m talking about the inside-the-Beltway, conservative media types."
"We see it entirely differently [from the inside-the-Beltway 'conservatives']. We see how one guy, unflappable, courageous, standing up against that machine can in fact stop it. We also learned it's gonna take more than one. Can't do it all with one. But as I said, imagine if there were 5 or 10 of them. Ted Cruz and Mike Lee. Imagine that. Imagine 45 of them. And that of course is the objective outside the Beltway. That's the objective with tea party people, who are not giving up and are not going away, and not slinking away, cowering in the corner."