Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Did Obama's speech survive a fact check?

Uhh...his 15 minutes didn't even survive channel surfing!
TheBlaze: A look at his remarks to the nation, seeking support for a military strike against Syria, and how they compare with the facts as publicly known:

OBAMA: “We know the Assad regime was responsible…. The facts cannot be denied.”

THE FACTS: The Obama administration has not laid out proof Assad was behind the attack.

The administration has cited satellite imagery and communications intercepts, backed by social media and intelligence reports from sources in Syria, as the basis for blaming the Assad government. But the only evidence the administration has made public is a collection of videos it has verified of the victims. The videos do not demonstrate who launched the attacks.

OBAMA: “So even though I possess the authority to order military strikes, I believed it was right in the absence of a direct or imminent threat to our security to take this debate to Congress.”

THE FACTS: Obama’s statement that he has the authority to launch military action is par for the course for presidents, and historically disputed by Congress. The issue never gets settled.

The Constitution delineates power between the president, who serves as commander in chief of the armed forces, and Congress, which has the ability to declare war. Over time, however, questions arose over where the president’s authority ends and where Congress’ begins.
Not to mention that the world outcry over the use of chemical weapons was fairly absent, nearly nonexistent (but for the French). Most countries don't find Obama's desire to remove another dictator in the region only to be replaced by a more radical regime to be a justified cause for war.

And then of course, for most Americans, there's the fact that 12 years after the 9/11 attacks, we have a misguided president who wants to support the same group of people who executed this atrocity! Peculiar that he didn't mention that or the tragic event of 9/11 itself last night...

H/t Ron B.

Related link: Obama speech: As confused as his policy