Monday, August 19, 2013

Rush discusses the 'fog of depression & pessimism' in the millennial generation

I was hoping DailyRushbo would post this segment of Rush's Friday program. A millennial called in to talk to Rush about how her generation has been taught that they don't have a choice in their own destinies. Rush expanded on this young lady's profundity concerning the 'fog of depression and pessimism [that's] swept over the millennial generation'...
"This country, because of freedom, you've ALWAYS had a choice. You can be a bum, you can choose not to work, you can choose to live on whatever you can be given, OR you can make your way in life. Your generation is being told 'you don't have any choice,' because you don't have any free will. You are predestined to misery and failure, because everybody around you is that; and as such, you must turn over your life to Democrats or the government or whoever will protect you and coddle you and walk you through this misery and this maze."

Understanding this is also what makes some of the 'positive' Gen X messages to Gen Y so important.

Related links: Democrats have 'screwed' Millennials
Our Nation Didn't Get Here Overnight, Millennials
Millennials Are Losing Faith in the Country, Not Obama
In the Face of Obama's Malaise Economy, Seek Success -- and When You Find It, Be Proud of It
More Millennials Are Losing Faith in the Country, and No One in Politics is Pushing Back Against the Malaise