Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Paying the Obamacare tax will be cheaper for young people

Moe Lane of RedState asks, "Why does the Obama administration expect that young people are voluntarily going to sign up for a program that will cost them significantly more than the tax for noncompliance?" Essentially explaining through a couple of charts how it would be more affordable to pay the Obamacare tax than to sign up under one of these pricey plans. Did you catch that? More affordable to ditch the pricier plan under the so-called Affordable Care Act and pay the John Roberts' interpretive tax penalty...
Here is a handy chart for individuals looking to calculate their Obamacare tax...based on the data found here. Remember, the final tax will be the higher of the flat rate, and a percentage of adjusted taxable income; everybody’s getting hit with this.

But I hear you say, What about the subsidies, Moe? OK, let’s talk about those. Below is a table showing the cost of a Bronze-level health care plan after subsidies, compared to that of the Obamacare tax. Numbers were calculated using the Henry J Kaiser Foundation’s subsidy calculator; as should be obvious, they are estimating an average yearly cost for a Bronze plan to be $2,501.

The magical cut-off number, according to Kaiser, is around $16,600. An individual making that much money will be about as well off if he or she gets a Bronze level health care plan as s/he would simply paying the $95 tax. Anybody making between that and about $33,000 will get some subsidies, but – and here’s the important part – it’ll still be cheaper to pay the tax. Anybody making more than that? …No subsidies, obviously; and to be fair, people making that kind of money start to be the kind of people who have health care through their jobs anyway (At least, they’re the kind of people who have health care through their jobs now. Ask me again in a year.).
Well, the Obama administration is expecting the sycophants, shills and gimmicks to win over the brunt of the 'young invincibles,' hoping young people won't crunch the numbers and figure out what's actually affordable. Here, let Moe help you out with it.

Related link: Obamacare will hurt young people most