Monday, August 5, 2013

Caddell: Boehner not pursuing Benghazi because approved arms deal; IRS 'goes into the WH'

Remember, phony scandals...riiight.

Yes, why aren't the Republicans half ticked off as much as Pat Caddell? Because a vast number within the party, particularly the leadership, takes the same subversive 'who gives a damn' stance towards the country as the entirety of the Democratic Party! Caddell says that John Boehner is "purposely" helping Obama cover-up Benghazi, and fellow guest, former Congressman John LeBoutillier, says that Caddell has traced the IRS scandal all the way into the White House. Just keep tearing down the party, Grand Ol' Putzes!

H/t: WZ & MP

Let's not leave the other John, McRINO that is, out of this either, who time and time and time again has called for the arming of Syrian rebels (i.e., al-freakin-Qaeda!)

Btw, good to hear someone else voice what both Levin & Cruz have been saying about needing two special committees. Keep repeating this.

Related link: Exclusive: U.S. directs agents to cover up program used to investigate Americans