Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Levin explains what a ‘conservative’ really is

If a 17-year-old caller can get this, Republicans in Washington should be able to get it...
"Conservatism is built on human experience. We recognize what hasn't worked and what does work. And we cherish human life... It's a way of thinking, it's a way of living. It's a way of conducting yourself. We embrace the Golden Rule. We embrace the Ten Commandments. We embrace human history, we look at human experience...

The stark contrast between conservatism and non-conservatism is our respect for the individual, not exclusively, but our respect for the individual and all that that means, humanity. And the other side, all about government. No matter how you slice it. No matter how you cut it. That’s all it’s about. Every single proposal coming out of the White House, from Democrats in Congress, from their mouthpieces in the media, from academia, all involves government. The iron fist of government.

So we emphasize the individual, they emphasize government. We're not opposed to government, we're not anarchists. We believe in constitutional republicanism, they believe in an all-powerful central government, and that's what they're building."

Tomorrow, Mark launches his self-dubbed Levin Liberty Project, where he will announce the title of his new upcoming book, along with discussions that are sure to follow on how we begin to regain America, instead of Big Government's effort to remake it.

Related link: MARK LEVIN: There’s A ‘Totalitarian Nature’ To This Administration