Friday, February 1, 2013

Schumer: border security won't stand in the way of legalizing illegals

Sen. Rubio, here's the red flag to get the hell out of this cabal...

TheDC: New York Democratic Sen. Chuck Schumer said securing the nation’s borders should not be used as “a barrier” to giving illegal immigrants living in the U.S. a pathway to citizenship.

Lest we forget, this is the very same schmuck who helped strip the enforcement triggers out of the 1986 amnesty bill. What you just heard was a clear intent to do it again. He's certainly not gonna allow any enforcement triggers to delay a more massive amnesty that would again benefit his party this time around.

Rubio has gone on record, with Rush, Levin, Ingraham and others, saying that unless Democrats agree to significant security improvements first, before any path to citizenship is created, he’ll walk away. Every Republican in the so-called Gang of Eight should be held to that accord.