Friday, February 15, 2013

Rush continues discussing Obama's endless campaign

Validation. First referencing TheHill, Rush continues to cover a theory that he's discussed throughout the week...

"...Obama doesn't want to govern, he only wants to campaign, because governing would make him responsible for what is happening. He doesn't want to compromise, that would put his name on something... That's what he's avoided. That's what we all missed for four years. That's why you can have polling data that shows 55-60% of the people oppose Obama's agenda and still support him. They don't associate his agenda with the problems in the country. They don't believe, they don't understand, they don't think that Obama's policies have had any of the negative impact on the country. Somebody else did that; other presidents did that. They view Obama as trying to fix it."

Then turning to a NewYorkTimes piece, Limbaugh continues to further validate how the theory is executed by means of an electorate that has abandoned common sense combined with a media that supports Obama's illusion...

"...that headline shown the light on 20 years of frustration, and I finally got it. It finally made sense. And the only way it can make sense to you is if you, as I did, totally abandon yourself from the requirement that common sense be part of any equation. How in the world can poll after poll show massive disagreement with Obama's policies, and poll after poll show dissatisfaction with the direction the country's going, but support for Obama's agenda? ... And I finally cracked it: He is not associated with his policies. Or better stated, his agenda, his policies that people disagree with are not associated, there's no causal relationship to Obama's policies and what's happening in the country. So they said 'Why is that?' 'How does that happen?' 'How does anybody get away with that?' And then the second light went off, and it was this: He's never ever seen as governing. He's always campaigning against the very things he's causing! ...What I had to come to grips with is a majority of people who vote thinks somebody else is doing all this. Now, how does that happen? How does Obama make that happen? And it goes back again to the fact that he is not seen as in charge of this! It's not so much that he's an outsider, but the constant campaign mode allows him to constantly be seen as running against everything that's happening. If he ever assumed the role of governing, and that includes if he ever, say, compromised and made an agreement with the Republicans on anything, that would end the idea that he is not attached to what happens. That's why there will never be any compromise with the Republicans. That's why there will not be any bipartisanship. No matter what happens on any issue, legislatively or otherwise, when it's all done, Obama is gonna run around the country after whatever's signed and start campaigning against the dastardly mean stuff that was just done to him. With a slavish, supportive, compliant, involved media, he's able to create this illusion and to continue to present it and sell it."

Of course, this strategy has moved beyond only blaming, it's all about blaming Reagan...