Thursday, February 7, 2013

Liberal media silent on leftist mass murderer's motives

Speaking of something else that the mainstream media's silent about...

Everybody's heard about the horror unfolding in Los Angeles with this disgruntled mass murderer's rampage. Yes, all the major news outlets are reporting this...and no, I'm not gonna plaster his picture on my blog. What I would like to address however (and thank you Mark Levin for pointing it out tonight) is the deliberate lack of reporting throughout the liberal media surrounding this madman's motives, specifically surrounding the entirety of his manifesto, not just the parts that are convenient for the Left to mention...but also what they'd rather ignore.

Leave it to alternative media to provide the scoop on this...

PJMediaSooperMexican is following the breaking story of the former Los Angeles police officer who has gone rogue, allegedly shooting three officers and hunting others and their families after he was fired from the police force.

The suspect, Chris Dorner, posted a manifesto on the web, but media are ignoring some of its key passages. Dorner’s rant begins with an attempt to justify his crimes, and then reveals a man steeped in typical Think Progress, Media Matters style leftist thinking.

Here's the liberal cacophony driving this madman:
  • He's pro Gun Control (ironic!),
  • Loves Obama,
  • A fan of Joe Biden,
  • Supports Hillary for 2016,
  • Anti-NRA,
  • A fan of MSNBC and CNN (names names!),
  • Loves Piers Morgan, and
  • Has been radicalized by Trayvon Martin Propaganda

It’s pretty clear that Dorner is disturbed. It’s also pretty clear that the media and left have fueled his madness. His writing reads like a regurgitation of media narratives he could pick up on any mainstream leftist web site or media outlet. The same media are now censoring his manifesto. This comes just a day after news broke that another leftist gunman used leftwing propaganda to launch an armed attack on the conservative Family Research Council. Most media have ignored that angle, too.

A couple of days before that, a mass killer confessed to being taught to hate white people in college. That hasn’t become a media narrative, either.

If there’s no Tea Party angle and the media can’t make one up, they’re just not interested in reporting all of the facts.

Breitbart: While we pray for those murdered and everyone who might be in danger, we cannot forget that the media and its allies in the Democratic Party have set a standard when it comes to reporting on the possible political motives of mass murderers. Though they generally make things up to turn the death of innocents into a talking point against the Right, it is still the left who set this precedent.

And what do you know, Chris Dorner, the former police officer suspected of being behind the murder rampage presently unfolding in Los Angeles, has apparently left behind a manifesto addressed to America that the media are already selectively reporting on to leave out the more inconvenient portions. You see, there is no political upside for the media to reveal the politics of this suspected madman.

The manifesto is thousands of word long and mentions dozens of people and topics. But politically, the manifesto is pretty clear.

Which is why the media will downplay it with the same amount of energy they put into amplifying their lies.