Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Rush: GOP Establishment invites its own extinction

How? By declaring war on the tea party, while seeking compromise with Democrats. Rush weighs in this morning on the Rove attack, picking up where Levin left off last night...

"Eric Cantor is out saying the Republicans have to change. The Republican Party has to change. The Republican Party has to show that we want to help people. The Republican Party has to reach across the aisle.

Karl Rove and his PAC. What is it, American Crossroads? Is that the name of his PAC? There was a New York Times story a couple of days ago that basically said they are gonna end up choosing Republican primary candidates so that they're not "Tea Partied." The Republican establishment has had it with nominees like Sharron Angle, Christine O'Donnell, Todd Akin, and Richard Mourdock. They say (summarized), "No more! And if we have to, we're gonna run Republican money against Tea Party candidates to keep the Tea Party outta here," 'cause the elites say the Tea Party is destroying the Republican Party.

Let me tell you what really is happening. Either by accident or by design, this announcement and this newspaper article about Karl Rove's intentions is only serving to unite the Tea Party in ways even now it hasn't been. It is energizing the Tea Party in ways that it hasn't been. After the election, everybody on our side faced a bit of demoralization, and this has ratcheted it back up. The conservative base of the Republican Party has now been targeted by the Republican establishment. That's how they interpreted Rove's comments.

So what the Tea Party people now realize is that they got two political forces gunning for 'em. Obama and the Democrats and the Republican establishment."

After reflecting on predictions made that the Republican Party would still not embrace the tea party or capitalize on their midterm victories in 2010, but instead minimize and diminish it, which they continue to do, Rush turns back to Cantor's comments, among others in what Codevilla refers to as the Ruling Class, and focuses on the unvarnished truth of the matter that so many of these establishment types refuse to grasp...

"I don't think there's any doubt, ladies and gentlemen -- I don't say this happily at all -- I don't think there's any doubt that, even now, a whole bunch of Republicans don't understand what the Democrat Party is trying to do. The Democrat Party, from the White House on down, is literally trying to, in a political sense, in the political arena, annihilate 'em. The Democrat Party is trying to wipe 'em out. The Democrat Party wants the Republican Party to be extinct. They want it to be a vanishing species. They're not interested in helping the Republicans get their message out. They're not interested in making government smaller. They're not interested in promoting self-reliance.

The Democrats have no interest whatsoever in promoting individualism or self-reliance, accountability in government. Smaller government, there's not one Democrat anywhere who's interested in any of that, and thus there is no Democrat who's ever gonna cross the aisle and work with the Republicans to make the Republican agenda a reality. The Republicans are going to, at some point -- they may never get there -- but they're going to have to realize that if they are going to prevail they are going to have to engage in a political fight that results in the defeat of the Democrat Party, not bipartisanship, and not crossing the aisle and working together, because they don't have anything in common.

There isn't any common ground between what Eric Cantor said the Republicans hope to do and want to accomplish and what the Democrats want to accomplish. There wasn't any common ground in the fiscal cliff negotiation. There's no common ground in the debt limit deal. There isn't gonna be any common ground when we get to the sequester. There isn't any right now. There just isn't. There's no area for compromise. This is a political battle to the death. The Democrats are on the march. They don't want to have to wake up every day and even deal with the existence of Republicans. They want to wipe out any effective opposition, not get along with it, not compromise with it."

And if the GOP can't get that, it can shoot its own self in the foot without conservatives. We will continue to fight against both fronts that threaten liberty in America.