Tuesday, February 26, 2013

More than half of Americans want deportation for illegal entry (UPDATE)

As John McRINO and Lindsey Grahamnesty meet with Obama today, you can guarantee that there'll be one statistic left out of the discussion: the Reuters/Ipsos poll indicating that more than half of U.S. citizens say illegal aliens should be deported!
Reuters: More than half of U.S. citizens believe that most or all of the country's 11 million illegal immigrants should be deported, according to a Reuters/Ipsos poll released on Wednesday that highlights the difficulties facing lawmakers trying to reform the U.S. immigration system.

The online survey shows resistance to easing immigration laws despite the biggest push for reform in Congress since 2007.

Thirty percent of those polled think that most illegal immigrants, with some exceptions, should be deported, while 23 percent believe all illegal immigrants should be deported.

Only 5 percent believe all illegal immigrants should be allowed to stay in the United States legally, and 31 percent want most illegal immigrants to stay.

These results are in line with other polls in recent years, suggesting that people's views on immigration have not changed dramatically since the immigration debate reignited in Congress last month...
Yet another reminder of how politically-driven this debate is...all for votes, folks!

Look, we all know our immigration system needs improvement, but that has little to do with this push to somehow legalize those who've broken federal law through illegal entry. Amnesty didn't work when Reagan tried it, and he'd be the first to tell you it was one of his biggest mistakes (next to trusting Democrats to follow through on spending cuts!). This is yet another emotional plea bargain...and this from some of the same advocates and politicians who tell us to get over the infanticide this nation has participated in over the past 40 years! Remove the sympathetic arguments for a moment, and look strictly at the Law...you won't find that accommodating and rewarding lawbreakers is a righteous solution. To do so would not only be political suicide for the minority party, because let's face facts, illegals given amnesty in any form will vote Democrat overwhelmingly; but at a lawful level, it's a slap in the face to everyone who has gone through the legal immigration process, however cumbersome it might be. If ever there's an emotional aspect to consider, that's it.

And can someone please tell the Wall Street Journal and other supposedly conservative media outlets that the only immigration dilemma we have is that the federal government made up of both Republicans and Democrats is failing at one of its primary functions in maintaining the sovereignty of our nation by securing its borders and enforcing a legal system of immigration like every other nation in the world. Instead, this regime would flip law on its head, do the reverse and give some lame excuse like we had to free detainees to save money. Again, the answer to this problem, like all problems, is enforcement of the law, NOT rewarding lawbreakers.

So, if we've got so many compassionate politicians (I know...just go with it for a moment) on both sides of the aisle who want to help our friends to the south (that's primarily who we're discussing, let's be frank), then why don't we do something to help tackle corruption in Mexico so that the country and its people might thrive? Not that that's anymore our business than a foreign people invading a sovereign nation, but I'm just making the point that spending taxpayers' money in a more noble manner is never a consideration. It's all about subsidizing for political gain, while never solving a damn thing.

Despite all the arguments, the stark, historic reality of this situation, just as much as others that we're facing concurrently, is that the more the Rule of Law crumbles, the quicker a nation collapses, both economically and culturally, more internally than externally.

UPDATE: Oh, now Gallup has proved to the Republicans that no amount of pandering will gain traction with Latinos...
TheDC: A new report by Gallup suggests that the GOP is unlikely to boost its support among Latinos to much more than 25 percent.

“It appears that young Hispanic adults will remain lopsidedly Democratic throughout their lives, [and] there is also no generational evidence at this point suggesting that they will become more Republican,” said the Monday report, which combines data from Gallup’s daily tracking polls of 26,264 Hispanics.

“Majorities or near-majorities across all age groups among Hispanic adults identify with or lean toward the Democratic Party, including 50% of middle-aged Hispanics and 59% of older Hispanics,” said the report, which relied on data collected throughout 2012.
Yet, McCain and Graham continue to believe that setting illegal latinos on a path to citizenship will somehow help their party? What morons. All this proves is that most Latinos believe Big Government is what leads to prosperity in America. Really shows you what kind of government Repubes like these two support, doesn't it?