Monday, February 25, 2013

Laugh of the Day: Malkin parodies Mooch!

The laugh of the day is provided by Michelle Malkin! Thank you, Michelle...we needed a good one after that classless act of a so-called First Lady showed her @$$ Friday night...

MichelleMalkin: Hey, who needs Saturday Night Live?! It’s been a while since I was inspired to post a YouTube parody. Jimmy Fallon and Michelle Obama provided the perfect opportunity. On Friday, the late-night comedy duo collaborated on an “Evolution of Mom Dancing” video that has the lib media swooning. Here’s their video (which parodies the classic Evolution of Dance video series):

And here’s my response: The Evolution of Liberal Dance! Which one’s your favorite?

I’ll be posting more YouTube videos again after a long hiatus. Be sure to subscribe to my YouTube channel here!

We know Moochelle can't help herself, she thrives on the attention...even if some among the base are growing weary. Hey, btw, where's her royal highness' Oscar? Just saying...

UPDATE: Malkin responds to her Evolution of Liberal Dance critics and discuss why she did the video...