Monday, February 18, 2013

Obama administration winds down plan for 'uninsurables'

Winding down? Already? Well, like every other socialist idea, the eventuality of running out of other people's money came quicker than expected.

AP: The Obama administration is quietly winding down one of the earliest programs created by the president's health care overhaul law. It's a plan that provides stopgap coverage for uninsured people with medical problems who have been turned down by insurers. Administration officials broke the news to state counterparts in a teleconference on Friday.

They said the Pre-Existing Condition Insurance Plan will stop taking new applications because of funding concerns. The suspension happens immediately in 23 states where the federal government administers the program, but states that run their own plans may have more time, depending on contract arrangements.

SOL? Naaa, this guy's got your back...

...and as Rush reminds us, " But once again don't expect this to be tied to Obama."

"Once again, this is some bureaucracy. Remember, Obama does not govern. He campaigns. So this is some government bureaucracy which has decided to torpedo the president's brave plan. Obama, if he wants to, can go out and campaign against this. Even though it's his plan that has run out of money, and it's his plan freezing people out. His name's not in story.

He's out there campaigning as though we still don't have Obamacare. He can go out there and talk about people still being shafted by the insurance companies. Insurance companies still won't cover people despite all this effort that he and his administration have committed to. So they're gonna have to double down and do even more. "Dastardly Republicans and who knows who else is denying these people what they were assured they were gonna get!" That's how this works, and yet it's his plan that is out of money. It's his Department of Health and Human Services that is winding down the program."