Seems we've heard it all before...
“What Crisis?” by Yuval Levin
"Instead, at the same time that he speaks of fiscal restraint, Obama proposes more spending....Obama understands so little of capitalism that he actually thinks that businesses need more government oversight and "investment." He simply can't get beyond the idea of statism: the belief that every aspect of life, from what sort of car the public drives to how much profit a business is allowed to retain, must be decided by government planners in Washington."
“Excuses, Excuses” by Jeffrey Folks
“In reality, the State of the Union had nothing to do with creating jobs or competitiveness....To win reelection, the president must reignite his political base -- and raise a great deal of cash. Shamefully, and unabashedly, Obama devoted his second State of the Union address to these two goals. Winning reelection seems to be the only competition he is interested in.”
...and there you go. Campaign mode 2.0:
“Obama 2.0 - the SOTU” by Ed Lasky
Ben Stein gave a colorful take on the SOTU speech over at the American Spectator:
“Obama and the Bodysnatchers” by Ben Stein
"Obama does not seem like a leader anymore....One final note: in its lack of eloquence, its complete absence of high points, its elementary school pedagogy, its complete absence of any interesting or memorable phrases, it was possibly the lamest SOTU speech I have ever heard."
...and then there was...
Frank Luntz focus group responds to Obama SOTU-BS
UPDATE: Oh, and getting back to the feeling that we’ve ‘heard it all before’…quite literally!
“Obama's State of the Union Was Tantamount to Plagiarism” by Alvin Felzenberg
"Words, just words."
Obama was hoping to come out of this appearing fiscally JFK-like, with a little Reagan inspiration and Clinton moderation thrown in…but what he showed us is that he closer resembles a repackaging of LBJ Big Government and Carter no-nothing…and even that appears to be plagiarized!
ADDENDUM: DeMint has even made Rush rethink his criticism this morning: "It's hard to take the president seriously." BINGO!
Sen. Jim DeMint Reacts To State Of The Union