Thursday, January 6, 2011

The Cost of NOT repealing Obamacare

Paul Ryan, along with several of his colleagues in the 112th, will not allow the Dems to snow the people with false figures. "Hiding spending does not reduce spending." That includes double-counting, exclusions, and a host of manipulations submitted to the CBO!

As Michele Bachmann informed Anthony Weiner (emphasis on 'Weiner') tonight on Hannity in regards to the junk figures that were submitted to the CBO during the scoring of Obamacare and why they'd now claim it'd cost billions to repeal, "Garbage in is garbage out!"

So while the junk numbers fed to the CBO reflect the cost of $230B to repeal, Ryans REAL accounting shows that actually "we're talking about a $701 billion hole--deficit" if we DON'T repeal it!
“Paul Ryan: Actually, Obamacare Will Increase Budget Deficit by $700 Billion Over 10 Years” by John McCormack

It doesn’t take a genius to figure out that 10 years of paying for only 6 years of benefits is a bad plan from the start, aside from the aspects of constitutionality. Our constant mantra for this issue should be:

$700B if we don't repeal...$700B if we don't repeal...$700 BILLION IF WE DO NOT REPEAL!!!

"Only someone so out of touch with reality that they could claim that “deficit reduction” has been their “highest priority” while simultaneously adding more than $1 trillion a year to the debt could possibly claim that repealing Obamacare would add to the debt."
“Repeal Doesn’t Increase the Deficit” by Conn Carroll