Wednesday, April 16, 2014

LEVIN: 'You can only push Free People around so much'

I get why Beck is urging calmness over calls of revolution...but, as Levin points out, you can only push around free people so much...
"I really don't think the people who run Washington, DC and seek to run our lives -- politicians, whatever they call themselves, Congressman, Senator, President, Vice President, Cabinet Secretary, Supreme Court Justice, the bureaucracy -- I really don't think they understand how furious people are becoming. You can only push free people around so much. You can only abuse them so much. You can only torment them so much.

Forcing people to spend hours on end looking for new insurance plans when they were perfectly happy with what they had? The sick, the ill, having to find new doctors and new medicines, new procedures and so forth? Paying far more than they would otherwise pay other than this social engineering we call Obamacare?

Treating people who have private property as if it's not their property, because you find some damn bug or whatever on their land? You abuse the endangered species act, again to torment and coerce people?

Sicking the IRS? 100% of the political attacks on conservative and tea party activists? How much more can people take?

You go after their Second Amendment rights, you attack their First Amendment rights, you trash their Fourth Amendment due process rights, you trash their Fifth Amendment takings clause rights. You don't even believe in the Ninth or Tenth Amendments. Some people are being pushed to the brink!

It's very unhealthy, reaching the point of scary and dangerous."
This is not what the Framers had in mind.

"The government is supposed to conduct itself within the confines of the Constitution, not find ways to take more money from people, but it won't! It's out of control!"
Circling back around to the ranch standoff, gun control and other so-called 'debates', Levin urges getting back to the Constitution to avoid unhealthy and dangerous reactions that will surely arise against tyrannical governance...
"The rule of law, it's hilarious! We're dealing with a federal government that exists within a post-constitutional period. I'm not the one arguing don't follow court orders! I'm not the one arguing let's take to the streets! I'm the one arguing let's get back to the Constitution, reestablish the rule of law under the Constitution, the confines of the federal government, to avoid this sort of stuff!"