Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Reid extolling the virtues of guns in 2010

Yet another hypocrite who's jumped on the gun control bandwagon for political expediency and gain...just two years ago, celebrating the use of guns for protection, recreation and hunting.

FreedomsLighthouse: It’s going to be interesting to see how Democratic Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid reacts to pressure coming from the Left to restrict the 2nd Amendment rights of Americans. This is flashback video of Reid with the National Rifle Association’s Wayne LaPierre back in 2010 where they dedicated a Shooting Park in Nevada. Reid speaks glowingly about shooting sports, and says he carried a gun for self-defense when he headed the Nevada Gaming Commission. Reid was endorsed by the NRA that year in his bid for re-election to the U.S. Senate.
“I had a lot of bad people after me and I carried a gun every place I went. . . But for me, guns are more than that. In fact, the most important part of guns as far as I’m concerned in my personal life is the recreational aspect of guns.”

As Levin says, damn fools.