Thursday, December 6, 2012

Dean: 'Everybody needs to pay more taxes, not just the rich'

Finally. A little honesty about the Left's true tax goal, albeit from the mouth of a Democratic lunatic...excuse me, progressive...

HumanEvents: Courtesy of RealClearPolitics, former Democratic National Committee chairman Howard Dean delivers a bracing blast of leftist honesty on MSNBC: “The only problem is… and this is initially going to seem like heresy from a progressive is… the truth is everybody needs to pay more taxes, not just the rich. And it’s a good start. But we’re not going to get out of this deficit problem unless we raise taxes across the board, to go back to what Bill Clinton had and his taxes. And if we don’t do that, the problem is the pressure is going to be on spending even more.”

Say what you will about Howard Dean, but give him credit for far more honesty than the Chicago huckster in the White House. Dean’s always been fairly up-front about stuff like this, in a Walter Mondale sort of way. That’s why Democrat primary voters concluded, after a long Internet flirtation, that his presidental prospects would be roughly comparable to Mondale’s. He’s a nut, no doubt about it – he thinks going over the fiscal cliff would bring “a serious down payment on the deficit,” which is howlingly funny to anyone capable of third-grade math – but he’s absolutely right about the need to raise middle class taxes.

Barack Obama and the Democrats are coming for you, middle class. Make no mistake about it. They’re telling you a lot of convenient fairy tales now, for political gain. Maybe Obama will even try to stage a heroic “rescue” via “middle class tax cut” after we go over the “fiscal cliff,” at which point Howard Dean will be a good little soldier and put his liberal honesty in neutral for a while, at least until after the 2014 elections.

But the hard, cold truth is that Evil Rich People do not collectively have nearly enough money to pay for Obama-sized government. You can’t meaningfully “reduce the deficit” by confiscating their money, never mind taxing them a few percentage points more. And anything close to confiscation will utterly crash the American economy.

When the Democrats come for you, coddled taxpayers of the “middle class,” it will be with tears in their eyes. Sorrowfully they will inform you that the titanic pressure from years of their irresponsible deficit spending leaves them with no choice but to “ask” you to “pay a little more.”

Here's another perspective...

AceOfSpades: We didn't hear this, surprisingly enough, before the election. What we heard was the claim that Obama wanted to raise taxes on the "richest 1%"... He claimed he wanted to reduce taxes on the middle class, and even claimed Romney would raise taxes on the middle class, which, by the way, was the lie he won the election on.

By charging Romney with this, he immunized himself from the truth -- that Barack Obama himself planned to raise taxes on the middle class. Now that the liberals have won an election on a lie, they can start floating these trial balloons to see if the public is ready for them.

The money isn't "free." It comes from somewhere. Unfortunately, we can't tax the Germans as the Greeks can, so we'll have to tax ourselves.

I have long believed that Obama's goal was to set up a crisis situation whereby Republicans are forced to call for his own goal of higher taxes on everyone in order to forestall an actual meltdown and the ensuing calamity. I've seen nothing yet to convince me I was crazy to think that.

And in short form, as Jeffrey Lord comments...

"So there you have it. It isn't just the rich. As conservatives have long predicted, the Democrats are coming for the middle class. They are coming for "everybody."