Tuesday, October 11, 2011

The illusion of an establishment set point

I'll make this one short, not-so-sweet, but to the point.  After taking in the assessments of Rush and Levin today, after witnessing Christie's preemptive endorsement before tonight's GOP debate, and then the debate itself (hosted by the liberal bastions of Bloomberg & The Washington Post), it's apparent now more than ever that the Republican Establishment wants this to end now, with Romney as the Republican nominee to face Obama.  Tonight's debate was just another opportunity to degrade the standing of another top tier conservative on the Republican ticket, this time with Cain and his 9-9-9 Plan, which I counted at least twice was not permitted to fully rebut against other candidates' criticism and moderators' assumptions alike (we were informed at the beginning of the debate that if someone was mentioned in a response, they would have adequate time to rebut).  However, I wouldn't say that the moderators, challengers or the candidate himself succeeded in chipping away too much of his momentum.  Yet, it was apparent, like many of the other debates, that Romney was again weighted favorably beyond his own talent, at times giving him the proverbial podium, as well as the obligatory epilogue.  It seems as though the establishment objective is to wear down support of the other candidates, and 'just go with Romney', as congressman Michael Grimm (R-NY), the latest Romney backer, alludes to.  No, Mr. Grimm, a Republican flip of your state through the policies of compromise and moderation don't exactly bring to mind the principally conservative change in course that one great conservative Republican brought us in the 80's. 

As Levin said when explaining our biggest obstacle to putting a conservative in the White House, "Folks, it's time for conservatives of all stripes, of all kinds, to rise up and tell the Republican Establishment...that we're not going to tolerate this."  They may have chosen their candidate long ago, but we, conservatives, would like to see the process play out.  No matter how much the Establishment wants it to be over, we are not yet at set point.

AFTERTHOUGHTS: Cain spoke to both ABC's Good Morning America and CNBC's Squawk Box this morning, giving him additional opportunities to defend his economic plan from the mischaracterizations expressed by challengers in last night's debate.  With pretty much everyone at the table, besides Cain, it's as if we were to try a new system detached from the current progressive tax structure, that we might somehow experience different variables that we're not already susceptible to, namely, the opportunities for increases, which have been and are sure to be experienced in the future with our current code.

And it's still astonishing that no one felt the need to hammer away at the fact that three of Romney's advisers met a dozen times with senior Obama officials to use the landmark health-care law in Massachusetts, nicknamed RomneyCare, as a model for the new federal law, ObamaCare, including the recruitment of some of Romney’s own health care advisers and experts to help craft the act!  Instead of attacking Cain's 9-9-9 Plan that candidates think won't work because of their assumptions, why not target a plan in Massachusetts that is currently not working for its residents in both cost and jobs?!  Isn't that the economy, stupid?  Unreal how the man escapes this scrutiny.

Also to note, as the Right Scoop reports, "Michele Bachmann and Newt Gingrich both answered well when asked if they feel that some on Wall Street should be in prison. They both pointed the finger right back at the Federal Government, Barney Frank and Chris Dodd."  Right on.