Friday, August 19, 2011

Breaking through the politics of identity

Throughout the years – and for some of us, most of our lives – we’ve seen the politics of race played out in the public arena. Of course, in our PC world, this isn’t a topic that’s supposed to be discussed…but it’s past time to break through this taboo. So the way the story goes is that the Democrats are the compassionate ones, while the Republicans just don’t care. Now anyone with two neurons to rub together realizes how erroneous this statement is; nonetheless, it’s played out time and time again, and has been used to divide us and manipulate minority groups repeatedly. Whether that be with the dialogue that’s been bantered about throughout the week with the Congressional Black Caucus’ concerns that Obama’s not doing enough for the black community (and I’ll let this interview with Congressman Allen West speak for itself and set that one straight)…

…or whether it be the constitutional usurpation of the executive branch (yet, again) through the DHS’s ‘new rule’ that will, as HotAir reports, “halt deportation proceedings against illegal immigrants who meet certain criteria,” on a case-by-case basis, essentially rooting for a blanket amnesty avenue for approximately 300,000 illegals, per the Los Angeles Times tally (in other words, whatever it takes for more votes)…the Democrat Party will use whatever tool at its disposal to keep its boot on the neck of minorities in the name of compassion.

Kevin DuJan made a great point in a piece written for HillBuzz yesterday, that was also read on the Rush Limbaugh Show, in which he not only compared the stark similarities between slaves on plantations and blacks who blindly vote for Democrats, but went on to succinctly and quite accurately describe the tactical manipulation used on a host of demographics that the Democrat Party lay claim to control:

The Democrat Party survives because it keeps blacks poor and dependent on Democrat hand-outs to survive.

Democrats do something similar with gays: they keep us in check by scaring gays into believing Republicans are evil and want to kill us, so the only protection we have is to vote Democrat, Democrat, Democrat.

Democrats keep Hispanics under control by pushing Spanish as much as possible, so Hispanics never learn English and don’t progress as much in society.

Women are kept in line by Democrats through cultural wedge issues like abortion, where, once again, people are convinced to vote against their own economic best interests because Democrats create boogeymen to scare them into believing conservatives are evil and want to harm them or take away their rights.

If even one of the groups above could be reasoned with, and would actually see what the Democrat Party does to them, the fragile identity-bloc coalition that makes up the Democrat Party would collapse on itself.

If you blindly vote Democrat, year after year, without ever asking what you REALLY get out of it, you are either a slave or a damn fool.

As DuJan goes on to point out, the ‘Cocktail Party GOP establishment’ are just as guilty of playing along with the Democrat Party, because they both “work hard to keep each other in power,” while simultaneously keeping these “identity-groups subservient in their respective reservations.” And it is for these reasons why conservatives must eclipse this notion of identity politics, speaking openly about these realities, and encourage Americans of all colors and creeds to reinvigorate the great Melting Pot of Exceptionalism and Liberty, for there is more that unites us than divides us, particular against the tyranny of statism.

ADDENDUM: And in the circular ill-logic of everything these days, the latest rhetorical assault returns to the plantation mentality described by Rep. West that will not allow us to unite and break through the politics of identity.  It's rather unfortunate that Democrats, like Maxine Waters, would not only ignore the inclusiveness of liberty movements like the tea party, but instead, aid in the statist dependency and racial division that conservatives advocate against...

And as Breitbart properly asks, "Is there any doubt that if a Tea Party representative had said that “the Congressional Black Caucus can go straight to hell and we intend to help them get there”, we would be hearing loud condemnations about the hateful rhetoric from the extremists in the Republican Party?"  He's got that right...although minus the 'dog pound'...what tha...?