Tuesday, October 9, 2012

State Dept: 'We didn't link Libya attack to video'

Huh...AP reports that on the eve of House hearings, the State Department said Tuesday it never concluded that the consulate attack in Libya stemmed from protests over an American-made video ridiculing Islam...

Oh really? Then what do you call this?!

So now in October, we're expected to forget about the administration's disinformation campaign just a few short weeks ago, following the Benghazi attack on 9/11? Oh, and disregard the arrest of that filmmaker on a different, yet timely charge, held without bail, btw. Then lastly, the State Department holds a conference call with reporters to discuss their contradictions on the Benghazi attack...but doesn't invite FoxNews...? 

When it's blatantly apparent that there's a HUGE cover-up, this administration relies on us being dumb enough to buy into their collusion. And they really do think we're this dumb!

Beyond Watergate, folks.

ADDENDUM: Here's a streaming link to Wednesday's Congressional hearing on the Benghazi attack.