Monday, October 8, 2012

Romney's tax plan is 'mathematically sound'

Mathematically sound...has a nice ring to it for a change!

Breitbart: Bill Clinton, President Barack Obama, and liberal think tanks have claimed Mitt Romney's plan to cut tax rates across the board by 20 percent is bad arithmetic, but a Princeton economics professor, Harvey Rosen, examined Romney's proposals in a paper and concluded Romney's plan would work. The economy would have to grow by 3 percentage points more over the term of his plan than it would have without his plan.

Liberals, who often do not understand how the economy works let alone how to expand the economic pie, failed to work in their assumptions that the purpose of Romney's tax cuts is to actually grow the economy, which would make people more prosperous. And as the economy grows and more people get jobs, the government would get more tax dollars.

I trust this guy's math a hell of a lot more than that of a man (uhum, Obama) who considers Social Security's $8.6 trillion unfunded obligation "structurally sound!"

So couple this news with the unchanged election forecast from the University of Colorado that still points to a Romney win, and know that our vigilance marches on into November.