Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Levin praises Romney's response to embassy attacks: 'Reaganesque', his 'finest hour'

The title pretty much says it all. On Mark Levin's radio program tonight, the acclaimed conservative, whose been highly critical of the Romney campaign throughout this election season (just as he's critical of every politician out there wavering from principle), praised Romney's response to the embassy attacks, saying that this was Romney's 'finest hour' of the campaign thus far, that he even handled himself in a Reaganesque manner, and that he needs to keep this boldness up!

Mark also expressed how presidential Romney sounded, compared to Obama's usual droning, as well as how superbly he handled the press mob. This from Levin's website:

President Obama has come out harder against our capitalistic system and BAIN Capital than he has against the U.S. embassy attacks in Libya and Egypt. Mark congratulates Mitt Romney for blasting Obama’s statement on the attacks. Where and what is our President doing? We have no coherent foreign policy and he is letting these other nations walk all over us.

Despite the media, despite Obama and the Democrats, even despite some cowering Republicans, President Romney delivered today! Bravo, Mitt...conservatives are taking note, so keep it up!

ADDENDUM: Here's that radio segment...