Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Krauthammer to Egyptian mob: 'Go to Hell'

Right on! Krauthammer's on a roll, once again channeling the sentiment of millions of Americans as we watched the Arab Spring erupt once more with Egyptian Islamists storming the U.S. Embassy in Cairo on Tuesday, only to hear a cowardly statement released by the embassy to a violent mob...

“That statement is an embarrassment. That's a hostage statement. That’s a mob of al-Qaeda sympathizers in Egypt, forcing the United States into make a statement, essentially of apology, on 9/11 of all days, for something of which we are not responsible. I would issue a statement saying to the mob, ‘Go to Hell'..."

Krauthammer went further in explaining just what democracy means...

I think the same can be said for those who murdered the U.S. ambassador to Libya, along with three American staffers...