Thursday, August 9, 2012

Too late, Ann...

Umm, Ann, didn't you say Three Cheers for Romneycare? It's too late for those who pushed for Romney, while badmouthing and discrediting the conservatives who were still in the primaries, to get mad at what moderations and establishment dribble his people will undoubtedly retort now...

On the other hand, someone who can actually comment on Romney's spokesperson's off-message remark with a little more legitimacy, someone who didn't jump on the Republican establishment bandwagon, is Rush...

...with comments both yesterday...

...and today...

All I can say is just keep your eyes on Levin's orange juice can anology, folks. Whether the more establishment-prone Republicans want to admit it (or likely not), Romney's not the conservative or constitutionalist that the nation so desperately needs at this particular moment in time, but he's who the establishment has given us...and yet, even with this deficiency, he's still a better option than Obama! (if that gives you any indication of how bad our current President is for our Country)