Thursday, August 23, 2012

Democrat Convention: the party of death and taxes

I've made a point not to get wrapped up in the Akin distraction this week. There's so many more important topics to address than to be stuck in a perpetual loop, day after day, over stupid comments, feigned outrage and political prodding. However, I will make the observation that it would appear the media has seized upon this opportunity to turn the general publics attention away from the things that matter (jobs, spending, debt, etc.) to focus their cameras on the Democrat's second round of lambasting Republicans for this faux war on women. Shocker. So...they really want to talk about a war on women? Alright.

In their desperate attempt to cling to power, while distracting from Obama's first-term failure of a record, the Democrats have decided to repeat Akin's comments over and over and turn their convention into a pro-abortion celebration? As Rush said Wednesday morning, "Psst...Let them do it!"

Yeah, let them line up the Planned Parenthood and NARAL speakers and preach to the choir on how it's government's role to provide these women's health issues. Let's see clips of their guy repeating how he's 'pro-choice', even in late-term and partial-birth abortion...hell, even live-birth abortion or after-birth contraception! (hint: that's called infanticide)...

I'm sure that'll go over swell with the vast majority of taxpayers, who not simply oppose these practices, but are vehemently against their money funding such barbarism.

Ohhh, and to top off their war on women focus, isn't Democrat's choice for their convention's keynote speaker counterproductive? BJ Clinton? Really? 'A pervert, an adulterer, a womanizer, a certified, held-in-contempt, disbarred for eight years, sexual harasser!' Yeah, I think I'm gonna respectfully disagree with Levin on this one, and go with Rush's line once more: "Let them do it!"

But back to the pro-choice aspect that seems to be the purveying direction of their convention...

"If you wanted proof that they are the party of death and taxes, this is it."

ADDENDUM: After the Obama campaign releases one of it latest ads featuring BJ, Rush felt it appropriate to splice in Clinton's actual thoughts on Barry...another classic.