Friday, August 10, 2012

An establishment guy finally gets it

Is Krauthammer among the first of the Beltway Establishment to realize what Rush & Levin have been encouraging Romney to do all along? What these guys, and other conservatives, have been saying about Obama since the guy set foot in the White House? It's certainly sounding that way.

Krauthammer lays out the case that though there are two ways the GOP contender could run against Obama -- on stewardship or ideology -- recognizing that Mitt's preferred argument is stewardship, Charles lays out the case that Mitt needs to venture beyond the campaign's safe zone and hammer away at the heart of where it all comes from. YES!

WaPo: The ideological not just appealing to a center-right country with twice as many conservatives as liberals, it is also explanatory. It underpins the stewardship argument. Obama’s ideology — and the program that followed — explains the failure of these four years.

Exactly! After reviewing those programs, "the $831 billion stimulus that was going to “reinvest” in America and bring unemployment below 6 percent," the "radical reform of health care that would reduce its ruinously accelerating cost...except that Obamacare adds to spending," and his promised transformational energy plan, consisting thus far of a war on fossil fuels, burdensome regulations, a rejected pipeline and a drilling moratorium, Krauthammer finally gets it: "Ideas matter."

The 2010 election, the most ideological since 1980, saw the voters resoundingly reject a Democratic Party that was relentlessly expanding the power, spending, scope and reach of government.

It’s worse now. Those who have struggled to create a family business, a corner restaurant, a medical practice won’t take kindly to being told that their success is a result of government-built roads and bridges.

If Republicans want to win, Obama’s deeply revealing, teleprompter-free you-didn’t-build-that confession of faith needs to be hung around his neck until Election Day. The third consecutive summer-of-recovery-that-never-came is attributable not just to Obama being in over his head but, even more important, to what’s in his head: a government-centered vision of the economy and society, and the policies that flow from it.

Four years of that and this is what you get. Make the case and you win the White House.

Wow! Now let's see how many other establishment Republicans will pick up on this.