Monday, July 2, 2012

Obamacon who helped enact assault-weapons ban, ran Fast & Furious

Oh, the irony. Can we say, 'what this was always about'?

CNSNews: Dennis K. Burke, who as a lawyer for the Democrats on the Senate Judiciary Committee in the 1990s was a key player behind the enactment of the 1994 assault-weapons ban, and who then went on to become Arizona Gov. Janet Napolitano’s chief of staff, and a contributor to Barack Obama’s 2008 presidential primary campaign, and then a member of Obama's transition team focusing on border-enforcement issues, ended up in the Obama administration as the U.S. attorney in Arizona responsible for overseeing Operation Fast and Furious.

So, will Mr. Burke provide a convenient scapegoat for Holder and the administration or will he blow the whistle on this corrupt regime? Well, with the dedication so many of these true believers display, chances are he'll remain lockstep with the contemptable one.

These people will do anything for control...even walking guns to Mexican drug cartels, resulting in the death of one border-patrol agent and countless Mexican citizens, just to infringe on the right of the people to keep and bear arms.