Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Good luck, Republican Party

"...moderation in the pursuit of justice is no virtue!" ~ Barry Goldwater

Never have I felt so disgruntled, disheartened and disenfranchised with a party that ignores the will of its conservative base, casting aside principle & conviction to placate to some fantasy of winning over the moderate masses. The Republican Party's leadership, its establishment operatives, and far too many of its voters have become so concerned with 'winning', that they've tangled themselves in a web of their own delusional devices when it comes down to whom they've crowned from the very beginning as their annointed nominee, Mitt Romney. And from last night's blue state primary results, it's looking more and more foreboding that the party establishment is ready to plunge the shiv into the conservative heart of the party once more with the nomination of the worst candidate we could have at this crucial moment in American history. This feels like 1964 or 1976 all over again.

Think of 1964 and the scrap between the forces aligned with Barry Goldwater and Nelson Rockefeller, or 1976, between backers of Gerald Ford and Ronald Reagan. On both occasions, the result was identical: a party disunited, a nominee debilitated, a general election down the crapper.

I'm thoroughly disgusted with this primary season; one that, besides the volatility that we've become accustom to in these kinds of races to the top, has misled with open primaries, confusing caucuses, changes in state election rules, far too many debates with liberal moderators, and not to mention the corruption of both the Washington establishment and mainstream media attacks and diversions. Far too many Republican voters are being duped, just as they were in 2008 with the crowning of McCain.

Seniority and pageantry in the guise of electability and inevitability are no way to select a victorious nominee. Yet, the Republican elite are attempting to win the presidency against a very defeatable president, but with a man whose possibly the weakest principled among the crop of candidates...however, he's the one that's certain to tow the party line, so that's who they've gotta have. This man...

Here's some questions to consider: How is it that this country can swing radically Left, but God forbid we shift back to a conservative perspective? No, I guess if conservatives were to win, then the Republican elite would definitely lose power. So, we can only go moderate from here, huh? Showing true conviction will scare off those precious 'moderates'. What's it say when moderates matter more to the Republican Party than its conservative base? When placating becomes more important than conviction? It says the party has lost its way.

Fellow conservatives, this party is doing the opposite of what Reagan rallied for...instead of conservatives taking over Republican ranks, the establishment is digging in and this party is leaving us.

Folks, a moderate establishment nominee is not going to cut it...we've already tried this four years ago. It didn't work. So now we run a guy who couldn't even beat the last Republican nominee, much less the eventual 44th President?! That's gonna work? We see now that the establishment wing of the party hasn't learned a damn thing...but sadly, I think many of us already realized that when we witnessed how much they fought us in the 2010 mid-terms. Just short of a miracle (actually, we could probably use one of those about now), I guess all there is to say is 'good luck' in the general with this unexciting stump.