Friday, July 29, 2016

Along comes a conservative statesman...

“Only a virtuous people are capable of freedom. As nations become more corrupt and vicious, they have more need of masters.” ~ Benjamin Franklin
You know, I often find myself frustrated with the way language is thrown around so lightly. Our pop culture sees fit to freely misuse words, redefine words, and even censor non-offensive words when they reveal too much truth to bare. I've felt this way about a couple words in particular for quite sometime: conservative and Republican.  The two are too often used synonymously when we've seen all too often, particularly as of late, that these words don't actually have the same meaning. Another word that comes to mind amidst these is Principle.

If you've gotten this far, perhaps with an open mind, the following might help illuminate where I'm going with this...
TheResurgent: All my life I have heard conservatives and conservative pundits cry out for a statesman not a politician, for a man (or woman) that would stand for principle not party. Yet last Wednesday night, when Ted Cruz embodied exactly that type of leadership, many conservative pundits and fellow Republican politicians were apoplectic. Of course we all expected Cruz to be vilified by Democrats and the main stream media no matter what he had said in his speech. But it was beyond disappointing to hear such a negative reaction from fellow conservatives. Even media figures and politicians who had been very supportive of Cruz throughout the primaries joined in the piling on.

I could understand it a little better if these conservative critics simply thought Cruz made a tactical error politically, but they went further than that to question Cruz’s motives. I am stunned by how many consistently label Cruz as only self-serving; as though he couldn’t possibly be genuinely trying to do what he thought was right. As with his filibuster on Obamacare, where Cruz is blamed for single handedly shutting down the Government, (last I checked Harry Reid had the capability to avoid a shut-down had they not been so inflexible themselves) it seems never to occur to conservative talking heads that Cruz might actually have been trying to do what he had promised his constituents he would do if elected. Also last week, as was done following the filibuster, the term “stunt” was thrown around quite often on Thursday when evaluating Cruz’s speech.

Is it possible that conservatives have gone so long without truly principled leadership that many didn’t recognize it when they saw it? Isn’t it more of a condemnation on the current jaded state of conservative punditry than it is on Ted Cruz that so few saw his stand as courageous? We talk about the founders and founding principles constantly. So what do the so called “experts” suppose a George Washington or a John Adams would have done in a similar situation? Pundits are free to disagree with Cruz’s conclusions but Cruz genuinely believes that Trump will be harmful both to the country and to the party, a position most of Cruz’s critics held until eight weeks ago. Had Washington or Adams believed the same would they have endorsed for the so called “greater good”.

...many conservatives only think they want statesmanship. ...

Conservatism cried out for decades for a selfless leader who was willing to stand against the tide and articulate conservatism. Then when that leader showed up and did exactly that, we discovered that conservatism has been so compromised, so watered down, that three fourths of our own movement didn’t recognize true leadership when they saw it.
Now, I know I will invariably hear more static that distracts from this truth: "Why you still talking about Ted Cruz? Get over it! Donald Trump is our nominee? What, you gonna vote for Hillary?" But this is noise, not honesty.

What's honest is that throughout Ted Cruz's life, the man -- pardon me, the statesman -- has vigorously pursued conservative interests prior to holding office, and similarly that of his constituents once elected, seeking a much needed return of principle and values to the arena of politics, which has grossly dispersed from those who would now lord over us.

Many have rhetorically and physically fought for similar ideals of liberty throughout human history...

There's been many comparisons drawn between Cruz and other great men of the past who struggled through righteous causes. Reagan, Goldberg, Martin Luther, William Wallace, and others. Maybe Ted Cruz actually was our Wallace after all...
MadisonsCPC: ...a line was drawn between true constitutional conservatives, and those who see themselves as conservative, but are quite willing to accept a loss of liberty to quell their anger- those who see rhetoric and bombastic statements as superior to constitutional ideals and principles.

As Wallace lost his battle, he lit a fire of independence in the hearts of his countrymen, so Cruz has ignited a flame that burns hot and bright for those who seek to return the republic to its constitutional foundation.
Just because a nomination was lost, don't let the flame of conservatism burn out. We live to fight another day, and fight on we shall. We just need a political apparatus, a party, to join us in that fight.

Tuesday, July 26, 2016

#DNCinPHL in disarray, until...

Even more feverish than Day 1 of the RNC, the #DNCinPHL was in disarray for most of the day...

After being discovered to have rigged the Democratic presidential candidate race against Bernie, and in favor of Hillary Clinton through over 19,000 leaked emails, Schutlz stepped down as the DNC chair. But while the DNC said "leave it," Clinton pulled up quick to retrieve it. Now Schultz is one of Clinton's chief campaign staffers, and Democrats are none too happy about it.
Related link: Democrats In Disarray: Sarah Silverman Rebukes Bernie Sanders Supporters At #DNCinPHL #FeeltheBern

It's been a rough night for people who socialist voters believe have sold out to Hillary Clinton. One such victim was Elizabeth Warren, who spoke at length on why Donald Trump is bad and why Democrats are good (so vote Hillary Clinton because she is one of us). During the speech, hecklers cried out "We trusted you!" to Warren...
It is amazing that in the twenty-first century the Democrats would resurrect the failed ideas of the twentieth century and try to run on them again. Bernie Sanders really wants free everything, but has no explanation for how he will get the money. More troubling, his crying supporters seem to have no idea that free stuff is really just stuff paid for by someone else. Who exactly will do that? Mexico?

The Bernie Sanders phenomenon is the Donald Trump cult of the Democrats. The Democratic Party at least had the presence of mind to snuff it out, unlike the Republicans and their cult of Trump. It is ridiculous to see people crying over a communist who celebrated the Soviet Union as it was exterminating its citizens wholesale.
Related link: Bernie Sanders Rallies The Troops… Er, The College Kids?

...and a valid point that Leon Wolf raises...

The problem, for Clinton, is that at first blush, Sanders's supporters were not ready to hear this message and seem to have largely rejected it. Of course, the wounds right now are especially fresh after the Russians (probably) gave Trump a huge assist by dumping the #DNCleaks material on the weekend before their convention. There are probably some number of Sanders supporters who are more tempted to vote for Trump out of spite for Clinton than they are to listen to Sanders and vote Clinton to stop Trump.

But will that dynamic hold all the way until November? It's a question that's likely to decide the 2016 election, either way.
BUT there were a couple of things that happened (and that will continue to permeate) that has united the former Democratic Party now merrily packaged with Marxist...

The crowd came and booed. They jeered and chanted. They tried to disrupt. The Bernie supporters could not be placated. They disrupted every speech, even the speech of their goddess, Pocahontas on the Charles. But when Michelle Obama took the stage, the Democrats had unity.

...Michelle Obama made a positive case for Hillary Clinton, even though she is purportedly not a Hillary Clinton fan. She passively made swipes at Donald Trump. She praised her husband. She made a case for America that was not bleak or dour. ...

Had Michelle Obama put her name into the hat in Philly tonight, she’d leave on Thursday as the party’s nominee for President. Instead, she’s with Hillary Clinton and because of her speech a whole heck of a lot of people not with Hillary going into Philly will be with Hillary going out.
It was humorous to listen to Democrat after Democrat lament the state of the Obama economy where the poor are getting poorer and only the rich can get anything passed in Washington.

...Throughout the night, effeminate Bernie Bros cried and jeered and chanted for Bernie. They lashed out at Senator Pocahontas for betraying them by standing with Hillary. Actually, Warren never said, “I’m with her,” just “We’re with her.”

But most striking of all was what was not there. The Democrats celebrated illegal aliens, some tried to justify and rationalize murdering police officers, they all attacked Trump, but not a damn soul in prime time bothered to mention the war against Islamic radicalism or ISIS.

Continuing in Barack Obama’s footsteps, the Democrats has far nastier things to say about the GOP and Donald Trump than about ISIS and Islamic radicals. That is rather telling and rather shameful.

The Democrats view the GOP as the bad guy, while thinking ISIS is misunderstood. ...they will only fight Republicans and Christians, not Islamic Radicals.
With everyone talking about Debbie's downfall, it may be hard to find much hand-wringing over it. But, barring some last-minute changes, here’s what the Democratic Platform looks likely to include, via the Washington Post’s Dave Weigel:
This stuff isn’t as sexy to most reporters... but it’s arguably more important to pay attention to, especially since the people pushing some of the really right-leaning stuff in the Republican Platform have basically no influence in the GOP, other than where platform fights are concerned, and the people pushing the leftward lurch in the Democratic Platform have enough power to, well, oust the Democratic National Committee Chair.
This isn't your grandfather's, or even your father's, Democratic Party anymore (and neither is its media arm). Regardless of the perceived tension, they always come together for the agenda. Party first, second, third, always.
"The Democratic Party of today has reverted to the Democrats of the late sixties and it is a damning indictment of our present culture that they’re more successful now than then." ~ Erick Erickson
This is something Republicans could stand to learn if they could find common cause to fight for Principle!

Wednesday, July 20, 2016

Cruz urges people to “vote your conscience" in November

When asked what was my favorite moment of the 2016 GOP convention, I would have to say it was when Ted Cruz encouraged Americans to "vote your conscience" based on constitutional conservative principles, regardless of those who went nuts because they didn't get their endorsement!
"We deserve leaders who stand for principle, who unite us all behind shared values, who cast aside anger for love. That is the standard we should expect from everybody. And to those listening, don’t stay home in November. If you love our country and love your children as much as I know that you do, stand and speak and vote your conscience. Vote for candidates up and down the ticket who you trust to defend our freedom and to be faithful to the Constitution."

SO MUCH RESPECT for Ted! That was freakin' awesome. #‬Cruz2020

Full text of Cruz’s speech Trump supporters didn’t want you to hear

ADDENDUM: "Cruz Stays True" via Amanda Carpenter...
CR: He didn’t endorse, but he still came to Cleveland.

In coming to the GOP convention that crowned Donald Trump as its Republican presidential candidate, Cruz faced intense pressure to fall in line behind the nominee, although the Trump campaign offered no apologies for the disgraceful way it speared Cruz in the primary contests.

The easy thing to do, since Cruz withheld his endorsement, would have been to sit the convention out. Or send in a video message. That’s what many other high-profile Republicans — former GOP presidents, governors, senators and congressman — chose to do. Cruz did not choose the comfortable route. He did not opt to simply go on stage and, like so many other speakers, bash Hillary Clinton for the entirety of his remarks, either.

The elephant in the room is Trump. And the Texas firebrand answered the burning question Republicans face: What will the party stand for and what will it do for voters? These are the questions a convention should answer for the public.

“Like each of you, I want to see the principles that our party believe prevail in November,” he said before retelling the story of the last goodbye a young girl named Caroline gave to her father, a Police Sgt. Michael Smith who was recently slain in Dallas.

He went on, “Did we live up to the values we say we believe in. Did we do all we could? That’s really what elections should be about… we are fighting not for one particular candidate or campaign but because each of us wants to tell our kids and our grandkids — our own Caroline’s — that we did the best for our future and our country.”

What a contrast from the message the Trump campaign, through surrogates and others, have pushed through the week.

The Trump campaign’s only enticement to gain votes from reluctant Republicans to date has been to forcefully remind them election is a “binary choice” between Trump and presumptive Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton. (Some may consider it Lucifer versus Lucifer-lite.)

Near the end of the speech Cruz told voters something that should not be controversial: Vote your conscience.

Cruz stayed true and gave those concerned with Trump a reminder of what the other members of the Republican Party can and should stand for even though unworthy leaders loom among us.
REMINDER: Our Movement Will Continue!

Related links: Ted Cruz, Conservative Icon, Delivers Speech of His Life in Cleveland
Senator Ted Cruz Remarks to Supporters in Cleveland (a PRINCIPLED pre-speech!)

ADDENDUM II: Here's something related to past 'lesser of two evils' discussions. Daniel Horowitz says...

We certainly don’t want nor can we afford four more years of this misery. But we certainly cannot afford 28 more years of this misery either. And if we fail to look past the top-of-the-ballot choice for a single election cycle and just cheerlead the jerseys on the field that given day, this entire debate will become moot. Aspiring to nothing more than perennial choices between the lesser of two evils is the golden calf that has kept conservatives in the wilderness for decades.
...and Jason Taylor helps solidify the message:

What Ted Cruz did last night will one day be hailed as Liberty’s greatest moment in our generation.

This was no thumb in the eye to Mister Trump. This was no vilification of Sectetary Clinton’s personal character. This was a cry for freedom. This was a warning shot in the battle to save and restore our Liberty. This was a clear effort to refocus the Republican Party on a cause and not a candidate.

Monday, July 18, 2016

Establishment steamrolls convention rules, shuts out conservatives

With the tap of the gavel, more rules violated, more principle shut down...typical. And contrary to reports, this wasn't just about #NeverTrump, but about the whole power of the delegates and their party over the party bosses, as well as looking to the future. Instead of observing any of that, they once again rail against the grassroots. Let this serve as yet another reminder that constitutional conservatives have no party...
RedState: After several minutes of chaos Deputy Chair Steve Womack returned to the microphone and asked for a repeat of the voice vote on the rules committee report. He again states his opinion that the ayes have it. Chants of "ROLL CALL! ROLL CALL! ROLL CALL!" Womack then recognized the delegation from Utah, who requested a roll call vote. Womack stated that initially, 9 states had filed petitions, but three withdrew, leaving the motion under the 7 states required for a roll call vote. Therefore, he says, a roll call vote cannot happen. The convention has moved on to the platform committee consideration. It appears the rules challenge and the roll call vote is dead.

It's not clear at this point which three states allegedly withdrew their petitions for a roll call vote, or why. Additionally, the initial reports were that 11 states had filed petitions, not 9. Who knows what pressure was applied by Priebus and/or the Trump campaign to kill the roll call vote, but it appears for now to be well and truly dead.
Related links: WATCH: Reince Priebus Ignores Delegate Votes And Appoints Mitch McConnell Temporary Convention Chair
RNC – CHAOS In Cleveland. Chair IGNORES Successfully Filed Petition For Rules Committee Roll Call Vote (UPDATED)
BREAKING: The Ayes Have It? Not. VA Delegate Ken Cuccinelli TOSSES Credentials, Storms Out Of RNC (VIDEO)
RNC: Colorado Delegation Storms Out Of Convention Floor, Unclear If They Will Return
BREAKING: ‘Almost Physical’ Arm Twisting By Priebus And Trump Forces To Force States To Withdraw Roll Call Petition
Major Donor And Trump Victory Committee Member RESIGNS In Protest Over Denial Of Roll Call Vote
RNC Refuses To Release List Of Delegates/States Who (Allegedly) Withdrew Roll Call Petition
Republican Delegates Should Reject The Rules
An Open Letter to the Delegates
RNC Officials Are On the Floor Systematically Harassing Those Who Signed the Petition
On Monday’s Mark Levin show, Reince Priebus and the Republican National Committee establishment figures silenced conservatives at the RNC convention to seize unprecedented power. The RNC shut down demands from delegates to call for a roll call vote on the adoption of the rules that empower the RNC establishment against conservatives and grassroots activists. We now have an alliance against grassroots, tea party conservatives and these delegates were not simply anti-Trump, as the main-stream media has been reporting. The establishment scored a major victory against conservatives and this victory comes at the expense of party unity. Not enough has been done to unite the Republican Party and conservative base. Sen Mike Lee calls in to talk about how the RNC shut down of conservatives desire to have a vote on the rules. Those who shut down the debate were calling for unity, but they ended up causing more division. The people running the convention need to apologize to the delegates.
CR: On Monday night’s radio program, Conservative Review Editor-in-Chief Mark Levin blasted Reince Priebus and the Republican National Committee establishment figures who silenced conservatives today to seize “unprecedented power.”

“Reince Priebus working with Paul Manafort of the Trump team all came together, fought the conservatives, the tea-party grassroots conservatives on the rules committee,” Levin recounted. He then explained how the RNC shut down demands from delegates to call for a roll call vote on the adoption of the rules that empower the RNC establishment against conservatives and grassroots activists.

“We now have an alliance against grassroots, tea party conservatives,” Levin said. And these delegates were not simply anti-Trump, as the main-stream media has been reporting.

“You literally had hundreds of delegates,” Levin said, “who would vote down the rules not necessarily because they’re anti-Trump, although some would, but because they’re anti-Reince Priebus and what he’s doing!”

The establishment scored a major victory against conservatives. And this victory comes at the expense of party unity.

“I’m telling you,” Levin warned. “Not enough has been done to unite the Republican Party. Not enough has been done for the conservative base.”
The chance of turning the delegation towards reason was slim as is, but the RNC had to display its iron-fisted power regardless and show us all that everything has been predetermined. Not just the candidate, but every rule, every plank, it's all preset. They haven't given a damn about any semblance of independent thinking in an open, honest forum since the beginning, particularly as it pertains to those principled concerns of conservatives. They continue to despise the base in their quest to rebrand, and in their success they have fundamentally transformed the party, not uniting, but further dividing. The old phrase 'can't win for losing' comes to mind yet again.

Related links: Something doesn't feel right about the GOP Convention [VIDEO]
Conservatives BLAST lack of rule and order at RNC Convention
RNC pulling out all stops to stop delegate revolt
‘I know what I heard – the ‘Ayes’ did NOT HAVE IT!!’ – Smerconish says RNC LIED about vote
WATCH: Mike Lee RESPONDS to roll call vote being denied by RNC
‘The RNC is VIOLATING its OWN RULES!’ – Cuccinelli BLASTS GOP for disenfranchising opposition
Trump supporters should be thanking Senator Mike Lee and Ken Cuccinelli
Mark Levin TEARS Reince Priebus A New One For His Power Grab
Mark Levin SLAMS Reince Priebus for trying to retain UNPRECEDENTED power as RNC chairman
Alaska Delegate Spills The Beans On How The RNC Denied The Roll Call Petition


Tuesday, July 12, 2016

Levin EVISCERATES Obama's crackpot racialized speech at Dallas memorial, then gives his own pro-police speech!

Thank you, Mark! Line by damnable line, Levin pulled apart Barack Obama's despicable speech at what was supposed to be a service commemorating the lives of our five murdered Dallas police officers, but what Barack Obama mockingly used as just another platform for his divisive, highly racialized banter...
CR: Barack Obama delivered a politically charged speech at the Dallas memorial Tuesday, which was intended to honor the lives of five fallen policemen. Obama began the speech with words of encouragement for the families of the deceased, but before long he pivoted hard to his agenda.

Mark Levin aptly reminded Obama on his radio program tonight that the Dallas memorial "had nothing to do with your crackpot leftist agenda!"
" everything else, he just figured that memorial was about him and his agenda. He's one dimensional. He's a nihilist, a narcissist and an extremist."

"Hey, hey, hey...a radical, black-power nut job murdered five police officers. He targeted whites; he targeted white police officers, one of whom turned out to be latino. He shot them dead in cold blood. This has nothing to do with underinvesting in schools. This has nothing to do with the festering poverty. This has nothing to do with refusing to fund drug treatment. This isn't about your crackpot, left-wing agenda. And suddenly, ladies and gentlemen, if we go deeper into debt, if we redistribute more wealth, if we raise more taxes, suddenly you see, nut jobs like this won't slaughter police officers. They always have an answer: attack the Bill of Rights, attack capitalism, attack hard-working American citizens who have absolutely nothing to do with crime, nothing. So he turns this into another rally of kooks. He's shameless, and he's shameful. ... This goes to the heart and soul and conscience of people. There've been poor people before, and there will always be poor people. And they're not all racist, and they don't start shooting up the place and targeting cops and murdering police officers. This man is utterly and completely without shame."
"What the hell is this man talking about? Five dead police officers. Because he didn't start out his speech this way. He started it out and a lot of people thought, 'you know what, maybe he won't do his usual left turn.' But of course, you're expecting way too much from Obama to have some self-control."
In the speech, the president grieved how "we flood communities with so many guns that it is easier for a teenager to get a clock than a computer, or even a book."

Levin asks, "we flood communities with glocks?" Then Obama charges the American people with putting the burden of securing that entire society on the police. What? "No!" Levin said. "You and your left-wing ilk do that!"
"Isn't that clever? Now he comes to the defense of the police. Isn't that clever. Tears down America, then, 'We tell the police, you know, you're a social worker, you're a teacher, you're a...' Actually, WE don't tell them that. YOU, and your left wing ilk, you tell them that."

"What is this psycho-babble? What is this psycho-babble from this man who became a leading community disorganizer before getting elected to office? And that's it! That's his resume."
Levin finally had enough, and in lieu of a real president, gave his own pro-police speech that Obama SHOULD have given today at the Dallas police funeral...
"Alright, I'm gonna give a speech; the kind of things that should have been said by a real president who has a heart and a conscience, who believes in this country.
I want the police department, the police officers in Dallas, Texas to know that we stand with them. I want them to know, every single police officer, regardless of your age or your sex or your party affiliation, we appreciate what you do each and every day. You could do something else, but you do this.

We know why you signed up to be a cop. Because you care about your community. You care about their neighborhoods. You care about the citizens of Dallas, Texas, being safe in their homes and their businesses and on the streets. And we know when you walk up to a car at 2 in the morning, or when you're driving through a dangerous neighborhood, that you're putting your lives on the line. We know this! And it takes very courageous people to volunteer to do this work."
Oh, he wasn't done there, but just getting warmed up. It’s AWESOME. Keep listening:

I want the people of Dallas and the police force in Dallas, I want the people of this country and every police officer in this country to know, that old civil rights slogan, "We Shall Overcome." Well let me suggest, this president, his party, his ideology, WE SHALL OVERCOME, in spite of them and despite them."
Related link: Michelle Malkin clobbers 'Divider in Chief' Obama on his #DallasMemorial 'bullsh*t'
DESPICABLE: Obama HIJACKS funeral of slain Dallas police officers to push racism narrative

DESPICABLE: Obama HIJACKS funeral of slain Dallas police officers to push racism narrative

This was an opportunity for a leader to help a community heal...and for a moment, you thought, maybe this time...
...but being the ideologue he is, he just can't help himself...Obama simply lacks that leadership...
TRS: What a puke. Instead of simply honoring the victims of last Thursday’s police shootings in Dallas, Obama hijacks the funeral service to push his phony America is racist narrative, even blaming cops for being part of the problem.
It just went downhill from there, placating his masses (of whom the background headbobbers in the above video obviously belong)...
I can't even say that there's a time and place for this constant racialization and victimization, because this divisiveness does absolutely nothing for the betterment of our society, much less to do it at the very ceremony held to honor the fallen law officers of the same broad family he continues to criticize while propping up the racialist BLM movement. Classless.

Oh, and this one was a particular gem, coming from a heavy-fisted Marxist who's thwarted Congress, the Constitution and the general Rule of Law for his and his party's gain time and time again...
ADDENDUM: The contrast was palpable...
Related link: Mark Levin gives pro-police speech Obama SHOULD have given today at Dallas police funeral

Monday, July 11, 2016

Levin EXPOSES Obama’s support for #BLM

"What do we want? DEAD COPS! When do we want it? NOW!" ~ Black Lives Matter, New York City, December 2014
Incredible analysis from the Great One tonight exposing Obama and the BLM movement...
TRS: Mark Levin exposed tonight on his radio show how Obama is supporting the Black Lives Matter group despite their overt anti-cop extremism. Levin takes apart a Q&A from yesterday where Obama actually defended the Black Lives Matter group.

Levin explains how Obama believes that BLM is just part of the natural progression of society, just like the abolitionists and the movement to give women the right to vote.

He’s willing to dismiss the angry rhetoric and violence of some in order to defend the group. But when it comes to Republicans or conservatives, it’s always attack attack attack with Obama.

CR: On his radio program Monday night, Mark Levin took an honest look at Black Lives Matter and exposed the group for what it truly is -- a violent Saul Alinsky-inspired movement.

While many of the individuals associated with BLM may genuinely be just angered and frustrated people, the ideological foundation of the movement is about class warfare, not race. "For the Left -- it's not even about race, it's about destroying this society and replacing it," says Levin.

What's at the end of the socialist Left's course asks Levin? The endless fighting against a free society only produces more statism and more government control. Levin spent the first hour of his show detailing how BLM and related movements seem to be by-products of a modern leftist progressivism that is akin to the class warfare struggle that Karl Marx, and later Saul Alinsky, espoused.

To Levin's delight, however, there have been some who have stood up against the movement and endorsed real solutions. One being Dallas Police Chief David Brown. In a press conference on Monday, he advised young black men to "serve their communities" to bring about change. "We're hiring," Brown said. "Get off the protest line and put in an application."
Related links: Black Lives Matter’s Violent Ties
Obama’s Rejection of Reality: Violence directed at cops escalates as president pretends all protests are peaceful
Barack Obama Warns Black Lives Matter ‘Rhetoric,’ Violence, May Stop His Takeover of State, Local Police

Texas police chiefs educate media with a dose of reality...

Texans aren't known for mincing words, and two of the state's police chiefs certainly aren't shying from educating the media on reality and reason...and we THANK them for it!

Whether it's candid HONESTY from Dallas Police Chief David Brown...
ZeroHedge: In an extremely frank and honest press conference Dallas Police Chief David Brown has unleashed an avalanche of uncomfortable truths and mainstream narrative-breakers. When asked what advice he would have for young black men protesting, he recollected his own experience: "I wouldn't protest, I'd get involved and do something about it... become part of the solution, serve your communities... we're hiring."
CR: Chief Brown greatly emphasized community policing during the press conference Monday morning, arguing it is the best way to better our communities and conduct policing in modern America.

Strong voices such as this one pierce through the fear and division, and offer real solutions for a safer America. Chief Brown has shown himself an incredible leader and an honorable man.
Related links: Watch Dallas Police Chief Destroy Jake Tapper When Asked About Gun Control
Dallas Police Chief: “We Asking Cops To Do Too Much In This Country”

...or bold TRUTH from El Paso Police Chief Greg Allen...
“Black Lives Matter, as far as I’m concerned, is a radical hate group; and for that purpose alone, I think the leadership of this country needs to look a little bit harder at that particular group. The consequences of what we saw in Dallas is due to their efforts.”

Related link: Black El Paso Police Chief: BLM Is A ‘Radical Hate Group’

What a breath of fresh air from the divisive voices and flat-out street thuggery the media tends to stick in front of the cameras.

Related links: #Blacklivesmatter: Back at it
Watch what happened when Black Lives Matter protesters ran into counter-protesters in Dallas

3 Levin interviews you need to HEAR!

On Friday’s Mark Levin, The shooting of police officers in Dallas, Texas on Thursday night shows that there is a war on the cops. Out of the 12 officers shot in Dallas, 5 were killed. The police in our country are under attack. This is an attack on law and order and you can’t have a country without law and order. After that, Sheriff David Clarke calls in to discuss the shooting of police in Dallas. Later, Heather Mac Donald of the Manhattan Institute calls in to talk about her new book, “The War on Cops” and how policing is data driven. In addition, Obama refuses to respect officers and acknowledge when they save black lives. Police are the solution not the problem. Also, President Obama has no concept of the greatness of America or appreciation of our nation. America under his presidency is more divided than ever before and especially when it comes to race relations. Obama is the anti-Abraham Lincoln and the race baiter in the Oval office. Finally, John Lott calls in to discuss the 2nd Amendment and his book, “The War on Guns”.
On Friday, Levin had three IMPORTANT interviews that need to be heard by everyone...

First, Sheriff David Clarke:
Mark Levin interviews Sheriff David Clarke to sort through the racial BS and to call out the Obama admin's hypocrisy and political drive to get more power and more votes.

Hattip to the sheriff for being a Article V Convention of States supporter!

Related links: Sheriff David Clarke Slams Obama, Clinton, BLM After Dallas Attack
Sheriff David Clarke Blasts Obama for Dallas Police Massacre
Sheriff Clarke: 'Obama's Set This Whole Country on Fire With His Race Politics'
Sheriff Clarke: Black Lives Matter Belongs With Groups Like These
Sheriff Clarke on Dallas shootings: Obama ‘fuels this sort of anger’ towards cops

Next, Heather Mac Donald:
Heather Mac Donald helps Mark Levin cut through some of the political and statistical gamesmanship the political left is using.
  1. Cops killed nearly twice as many whites as blacks in 2015. (Washington Post data)

  2. More whites and Hispanics die from police homicides than blacks. (Hilldale College speech)

  3. The Post's data does show that unarmed black men are more likely to die by the gun of a cop than an unarmed white man...but this does not tell the whole story... (The Marshall Project)

  4. Black and Hispanic police officers are more likely to fire a gun at blacks than white officers. (DoJ report)

  5. Blacks are more likely to kill cops than be killed by cops. (FBI data)
Related links: Race, crime, and police: A closer look
The Myths of Black Lives Matter

And finally, John Lott:
Mark Levin interviews John Lott to sort through the statistical and political malarkey involved with the Dallas shooting by an African-American cop-hating racist murderer.


So, here's the crossroad: Either go blindly along with the media/admin-spun web of division that deceives, or acknowledge the facts.

"Where is the wisdom we have lost in knowledge? Where is the knowledge we have lost in information?" ~ T. S. Eliot

Related link: Police officer gunfire deaths up by 31 percent, report finds

Friday, July 8, 2016

Honor our fallen...

We've heard all the horror and senselessness of what happened throughout the day. Now, let's just take a moment to pay our respect and #HonorOurFallen...

A newlywed, an-ex Army Ranger, a 14-year force veteran, a cop who moved to Dallas for his dream job and a former Iraq soldier whose last tweet was a tribute to his 'beloved America'.

Pray for their families, loved ones and friends. Pray for Dallas, pray for our nation to heal, and pray for the future of this land. This senseless division must end...

Related links: Community Places Flowers at Growing Memorial for Slain Dallas Police Officers
Beautiful: Americans share positive police interactions with ‘Blue Stories’ hashtag on Twitter

The divisions of 'Fundamental Transformation' targeted Dallas' finest

Because of all the divisiveness continuously promulgated from top-down over years now, through both the administration and its media mouthpieces, here's the latest CHAOS that ensued last night...this time in Dallas...
Breaking: At Least 11 Cops, One Civilian Shot, 5 Cops Killed At Black Lives Matter Protest By Snipers In Dallas, Video Of Shooting, 2 Reported In Custody, Suspicious Device Being Investigated…Update: Police Still In Standoff With Suspect, Who Threatens To Kill More, Claims Bombs Planted In City…Update: Loud Blasts Heard From El Centro Garage Where Suspect Holed Up, Standoff Concluded…
So what do we hear on this atrocity from our leaders?

Well, here's the Right...
Dallas Police Chief spoke against 'politicians' creating 'divisiveness' and that that needed to stop.
Dallas Officer Saved Man’s Life By Pushing Him Out Of The Way Of The Sniper Shooting
Powerful Statement By Dallas Police Chief: “We Don’t Feel a Lot of Support Most Days…Please, We Need Your Support’

Related links: President George W. Bush Condemns Murder Of Police In Dallas, Praises Police
Rudy Giuliani makes a great point about Black Lives Matter
Ted Cruz discusses Dallas Police shootings with Glenn Beck

And I'm sorry to say, here's the ever expansive WRONG...
CNN calls AR-15 a ‘sniper rifle’ during Dallas shooting coverage
Despicable idiot Al Sharpton BLAMES POLICE for Dallas ambush killings!!
‘If they don’t DO SOMETHIN’ we gonna start KILLING COPS!’ – Princeton prof gives ‘insight’ to whites
CNN Already Blaming Dallas Cop Massacre On Lack of Gun Control…
Minnesota Governor On Philando Castile: Officer Wouldn’t Have Fired If Passenger Was White…
Dem Rep. John Lewis Heckled For Telling Anti-Police Protesters To “Be Peaceful”…
Obama: Powerful Guns Made Dallas Ambush ‘More Deadly and Tragic’
Jada Pinkett Smith On Attacks Against Police: “Desperate Communities Do Desperate Things”…
Beyonce Posted Letter Hours Before Dallas Shooting, Calling To “Fight” Against Police, That Murder Should Not Go “Unpunished”
Loretta Lynch Calls For Gun Control, Says Support Police, But Calls Anger At Police ‘Justified’, Protesters Shouldn’t Be Blamed…
Breaking: Dead Gunman In Dallas Identified As 25 Year Old, Micah Xavier Johnson…Update: Social Media Pics Show Black Power Influence…
Congressional Black Caucus Uses Police Shootings As An Excuse To Call For New Gun Control Laws…
UN Statement On Dallas Cop Killings Slams U.S. Police For Being Racists…
Congressional Black Caucus Press Conference After Dallas: GOP Are “Co-Conspirators In The Devaluation Of The Lives Of Men And Women Of Color”
Black Lives Matter Leader Suggests Dallas Cop Killings A False Flag…
Planned Parenthood: If We Had More Abortions Police Wouldn’t Get Shot…
Video: Black Lives Matter Protestesters Dancing And Taunting Police In Dallas After Shooting
‘White people have and will continue to kill us off!!’ – Dallas killer’s sister defends massacre
Related link: ‘I will call for WHITE PEOPLE like MYSELF to put ourselves in the shoes of African-Americans’ – Hillary Clinton

Significant difference in VOLUME, wouldn't you say? (Particularly with participating instigators in the media (i.e., Media Burying Reports Cop Who Shot Philando Castile Is Not White…).

Unfortunately, this senseless violence is happening elsewhere:
Man Arrested At Black Lives Matter Protest In Portland For Pulling Gun
Gunman In Moving Vehicle Opens Fire On Police Officer In Metro Atlanta Hours After Dallas Shootings…
Breaking: Man Opens Fire On TN Highway, Killing 1, Wounding 3 Others Because Troubled By Police Shootings Of Black People
Breaking: Man Calls Police In GA, Reports Break-In, When Cop Arrives, He Is Shot In Ambush
Felon On Probation For A Federal Weapons Violation Shoots Missouri Police Officer, Police Call It An Ambush
If this is fundamental transformation, God help us.

‪#‎LoveOneAnother‬ ‪#‎StopTheHate‬ ‪#‎WeAreAmericans‬ ‪‪‪#‎BlueLivesMatter‬ ‪#‎AllLivesMatter‬ ‪#‎UnitedWeStand‬ ‪#‎DividedWeFall‬ #‎MourningInAmerica

H/t: WZ, TRS