"Obama said today, 'Our system of government's built on the premise that our liberty cannot depend on the good intentions of those in power. It depends upon the law to constrain those in power.'...botching every entitlement program: the war on poverty, the Great Society, the elimination of income and wealth inequality, you name it! And now Obamacare.
Well, I'm sorry, but the laws that constrain him in his power, he is ignoring. And it is precisely his good intentions, and only his good intentions, that we are allowed to judge him on. And that's true for the whole Left."
"Hasn't done anything. And we're not supposed to judge the results. We are supposed to judge their big hearts and their good intentions and how much they care. At least they tried, blah, blah, blah..."Rush says today's NSA speech was just more distraction from everything else that's going bad (i.e., the economy, Obamacare).
Related links: RUSH: Did You Notice The Size Of The Flags Behind Obama At NSA Speech?
RUSH: Obama doesn’t believe in the prescription that ‘hard work equals success’