Thursday, January 16, 2014

Out of Touch Ruling Class: GOP walking away from Obamacare, running towards Amnesty

Whether it's walking away from Obamacare (Mitch McConnell written all over this one)...

Or running towards amnesty (as with John Boehner on these)...

Exactly how out of touch with not only your constituents, but the American people, do you have to be? Answer: completely...
RedState: As House Republicans prepare for their aptly-named “GOP Retreat” at the end of the month, they are planning to make immigration the centerpiece of their legislative strategy. Both Politico and Roll Call offer a glimpse into their grand scheme. They will offer a lot of window dressing about enforcement and all the things the GOP base wants to hear. But ask yourself this question: why the urgency?

According to a new Gallup poll, immigration ranks among the lowest priority issues in the minds of voters. Only 3% listed it as a top issue, whereas most people felt the economy, jobs, and healthcare (Obamacare) were much more important. More strikingly, the largest plurality of respondents listed dissatisfaction with government as the most pressing issue.

With so many people prioritizing the problems pertaining to jobs, healthcare, debt, and big government why would anyone think it would be an electoral boon to push an issue so few people care about?

On the one hand, establishment Republicans have nothing else to do. With Boehner echoing Obama’s talking points today on the debt ceiling and with the Chamber of Commerce surrendering on Obamacare, there’s plenty of time to focus on less pressing issues.

However, ultimately, we all understand the urgency of this issue. Democrats want to begin creating a permanent majority, and Ruling Class Republicans want to butter up their money-handlers at the expense of the American people. They can then use that money to perpetuate the game of politics – the red vs. blue game – in pursuit of no worthy end-goal other than accumulation of power and money.

If you think that merely electing six more Republican senators of any persuasion – without rebuilding the party from the ground-up – will change this dynamic, you haven’t been paying attention.
We also understand the urgency to embrace Obamacare as well: control over all aspects of our lives, no matter which party lawlessly runs the country.

This leaderlessship must go this year, folks. And it must start with a new party.