Monday, December 16, 2013

Levin's message to Boehner, Republican establishment...and a call for a NEW Republican Party!

Besides effectively echoing Rush's sentiment that Republicans aren't going to repeal Obamacare...even if they control everything, of which Levin has expressed before, the Great One railed against 'Johnny boy' Boehner and the Speaker's war against conservatives on Monday evening's program, with a final call for a NEW Republican Party (H/t: MP)...

On Monday's Mark Levin Show: Mark says we don't care if the Republican Establishment likes us or not. We don't trust Speaker John Boehner and neo-statists that don't push the Constitution. We are Americans first and foremost that abide by the Constitution and embrace it, rather than crony capitalists or politicians that only care about politics at the moment. Mark says we need a new Republican Party, not a 3rd Party, but a Republican Party that embraces conservatism and will primary out the RINOs. We are the reason the Republicans took the House in the first place, and now they think they control us or think the Tea Party is just an outsider group. Just because Congress uses bipartisanship, doesn't mean that it should be commended, especially when the left has done so much damage to the country.
Related link: Mark Levin to Johnny Boehner: We don’t give a damn if you like us or not