Thursday, March 7, 2013

The old guard COWARDS criticize COURAGEOUS young conservatives

Typical. Last night, the Country Class vs. the Ruling Class was on full display, capturing the attention of millions and lighting up the twitterverse (positively, I might add). While the Country Class representatives conducted an epic 13 hour filibuster led by Rand Paul, accompanied by Ted Cruz (who pried an answer out of Holder yesterday), Mike Lee, Marco Rubio and others, challenging Obama and his administration over the important constitutional issues of civil liberties and due process, the Ruling Class of McCain, Graham, and the like, were dining with the Statist-in-Chief. One side fights, while the other plays footsie. And instead of joining conservatives in the daily struggle for liberty under this administration, the Ruling Class Repubics (h/t Levin), specifically McCain and Graham, dismiss the fight and criticizes those who dare to lift a finger against their friend...who by the way is dismantling our Republic.

After dining with Obama, Graham said, "This idea that we’re going to use a drone to attack a citizen in a cafe in America is ridiculous."

(h/t GatewayPundit)

Then McCain, who also dined with the President last night, went a step further. He took to the Senate floor this morning to slam Paul's filibuster, saying that it was 'not helpful' and that it took the conversation into 'the realm of ridiculous'.

I'm certain the old bull wanted to call Rand a hobbit.

And it's a shame that it took a tweet from media mogul Brit Hume to get McConnell's 'butt on the floor to support Rand Paul'...but then again, he's part of the old guard problem.

These guys really want to talk about ridiculous? It's ridiculous that immediately after date night with Barack, these guys seek their chosen outlets to ridicule members of their own party simply because genuine conservatives dared to take on their evening's host...and it keeps happening like clockwork. They want to call somebody ridiculous? What about former military men, one of which is constantly referred to as 'the war hero', behaving like timid little lemmings when it comes to standing up to this President for liberty's sake. Damn ridiculous.

Arizona...South's way past time to tighten the screws on these disgracefully weak, old guard COWARDS; then in their next election cycles, 'throw the bums out!' and replace them with vibrant and COURAGEOUS young conservatives!

ADDENDUM: Btw, if McCain and Graham are still wondering 'what's the point?'...the White House finally answered Rand's question, that's the point!
WashingtonExaminer: Attorney General Eric Holder wrote Sen. Rand Paul,R-Ky., to confirm that President Obama does not have the authority to kill an American on U.S. soil in a non-combat situation, Obama’s spokesman announced today.

White House Press Secretary Jay Carney quoted from the letter that Holder sent to Paul today. “Does the president have the authority to use a weaponized drone to kill an American not engaged in combat on an American soil?” Holder wrote, per Carney. “The answer is no.”
That's all he wanted. The fact that it took a 13 hour filibuster to get it...ridiculous.