Thursday, March 28, 2013

King on DoMA: 'To understand why gov't is involved in marriage is to understand why gov't cannot validate SSM'

Rep. Steve King (R-IA) presented an understandable and compelling case, not only for the federal DoMA law, but also explaining how without a license, marriage is illegal...and to understand how that works is to understand why government cannot validate same-sex marriage...
TheCorner: A license is a permit to do that which is otherwise illegal...

Each license comes with a set of qualifications that must be proven in order to obtain it. Those qualifications always indicate the government’s compelling interest in the activity...

To marry, two people must prove they are of opposite sex, not related, of age, and not married to anyone else. There is no requirement for proof of enduring love, comingling of finances, or even intent to cohabitate. To ask the government to certify any of those things would offend all Americans who jealously guard their individual autonomy. The government has a compelling interest in a legal record of procreation (this is further indicated by the doctrine of presumed paternity), and in creating a lasting environment where children will thrive. The fact that one must obtain a court order to divorce and the existence of tax-based incentives for marriage are other effects of the government’s interest in marriage.

Marriage is the stable platform from which families are launched. Government surely has a compelling interest in ensuring the stability of that platform, and even subsidizing the practice with tax incentives. Moreover, society has an interest in promoting procreation amongst married adults. Same-sex marriage does not present the possibility of natural procreation nor has same-sex parenting endured and thrived for millennia of human experience.

In our legal system, qualifications for licenses have long-standing foundation, and those qualifications are not considered discriminatory. They are considered to be necessary to pursue the interest of the public. In the case of marriage, those interests are all about children.

You do not need a license to begin a new friendship, start shopping at a new grocery store or pharmacy, or even begin a new dating relationship. Likewise, one does not need a court order to terminate any of those relationships. This fact indicates that there is something unique about marriage that necessitates government involvement. Insisting upon heterosexual marriage is therefore not discriminatory, nor does it constitute the government telling anyone whom to love. The argument for upholding the Defense of Marriage Act is rooted in the way marriage is historically treated by state laws. To understand why government is involved in marriage in the first place is to understand why government cannot validate same-sex marriage.
Hey, there's something other than bible thumping, Billy.

But that's not good enough. So what of this compromise? Couldn't much of the presumed confusion with the federal recognition be simplified, not by offensively redefining the institution of marriage, but by simply revising the language of the law to read 'civil unions', thus covering everyone? Of course, that would require Congress to dig through the tax code, and for them, it seems easier to offend the majority of Americans than to actually reform (i.e., do their jobs). Likewise, we've seen how the militant homosexual community, along with the Leftist media cheerleaders, take the Borg approach, so it's doubtful that this middle path would ever be allowed either.