Friday, March 8, 2013

Levin on Rand's filibuster and McCain's reaction

I knew Levin would be chomping at the bit to comment on Thursday's RINO reactions to Rand Paul's filibuster...and he discussed it thoroughly throughout the first half of the program!
On Thursday's Mark Levin Show: Mark defends Rand Paul's filibustering and praises him and other conservatives for standing up to the Obama Administration. Meanwhile, Lindsay Graham and John McCain, rather than help the Republican conservative cause, went to the Senate floor and undermined Rand Paul and those that questioned the use of domestic drones.
This is the way I heard it...

However, there was one moment towards the beginning of Levin getting warmed up that I just knew would invariably be misconstrued by some, and I feel the need to reemphasize the facts that cut through this confusion. Mark clarified the difference between the actions (or rather inactions) of an American citizen on American soil vs. the actions of an American overseas whose thrown in with our enemies. By the end of the discussion, one should determine that he emphatically agrees with Rand Paul and Ted Cruz and Mike Lee, that targeting the inactions of an American citizen on American soil with an armed drone is unquestionably unconstitutional. However, Mark also explained how it is absolutely legal to target a person whose joined up with an enemy overseas, even if they're an American citizen, because in taking such action, they've actually relinquished their citizenship. He uses a couple of legal items to prove the point:

U.S. Code Title 8 Section 1481 Subsections a3A and b:

(a) A person who is a national of the United States whether by birth or naturalization, shall lose his nationality by voluntarily performing any of the following acts with the intention of relinquishing United States nationality—
(3) entering, or serving in, the armed forces of a foreign state if
(A) such armed forces are engaged in hostilities against the United States
(b) ... Any person who commits or performs, or who has committed or performed, any act of expatriation under the provisions of this chapter or any other Act shall be presumed to have done so voluntarily, but such presumption may be rebutted upon a showing, by a preponderance of the evidence, that the act or acts committed or performed were not done voluntarily.

And then Mark later backs that up with Congress' power "to define and punish Piracies and Felonies committed on the high Seas, and Offenses against the Law of Nations," under Article 1 Section 8 of our U.S. Constitution.

Persons under these codes and powers are not afforded due process, because they're no longer observed as citizens. That's all Mark's point was...and he's correct about it. So, getting hung up on this segment, and making the blanket statement that 'Mark Levin disagrees with Rand Paul on drones' is misleading and inaccurate...
"So let us not rewrite our Constitution, let us not rewrite our federal statutes, let us not rewrite our war-making abilities to defend this nation against terrorists and other enemies, and pretend that's the argument of the civil libertarian when it's not."

Now that that's clear, onto what we were all waiting to hear...his rippage of McLame and Goober Graham...
"...John McCain and Lindsey Graham, these two guys are menaces. These two guys are independent operators, and I don't mean that for the good, I mean for the bad. And the truth is if John McCain was not a war hero, a POW hero, I don't think he would have won election or several reelections in Arizona, because he's a complete political lightweight. Lindsey a joke, an intellectual lightweight, he doesn't even understand that he's seen as sort of a bizarre Senator who just seems to follow around John McCain. I don't get it."

After reviewing the means in which a citizen can become a targetable foreign enemy according to the U.S. Code and the Constitution, Levin spoke directly to the Arizona senator...
"Senator McCain, you're a destructive force in the United States Capitol. Almost everything you touch turns to crap!"
Then Mark went through the litany of sellouts...

(For the extended version, refer to the top video posted)

Here's a link to the full always, well worth the listen.