Wednesday, October 7, 2020

Trump wants treatment approved, available & FREE for everyone! (UPDATE)

Share, share, SHARE!! (just don't tell the media that Trump is promoting something else that's working)...
Via TRS...
The treatment Trump is talking about is a therapeutic called Regeneron by Eli Lilly. They’ve been in the news today as they are seeking emergency approval from the FDA.

Trump indicated that he’s already approved it after having taken it a few days ago when he got sick with COVID. He said he’d heard about Regeneron when he got sick and that it was his idea for them to give it to him. It worked so well on him, making him feel tons better in just 24 hours, that he wants to make it available to everyone – for free! He even said that he believes his COVID diagnosis was a gift from God so he could try this drug.

As you can see in the video Trump has returned to the Oval Office today where he is back to work. Even though he’s outside making this video, you can be sure the anti-Trump media will pitch another outrage fit over him not wearing a mask.
Great to see our President back in action, FULL THROTTLE!

ADDENDUM: Follow-up to the weekend of wolves howling...
You don’t need to be a Trump partisan to feel good about the president’s recovery. You just need to be a decent person. The moment you find yourself rooting for another man’s illness or death is the moment you need to stop dead in your tracks, pause and take stock of your soul.
Keep listening and reflect on the President's positive message versus the crap media's incessant negativity, then decide which America you prefer...

UPDATE: Similar positive message, this time to the President's "FAVORITE PEOPLE IN THE WORLD!"...our great American Seniors!