Friday, October 30, 2020

Levin's final argument for voting and saving our Republic!

This final Friday before Election Day seems fitting to help spread Levin's FINAL argument for saving our Republic...
Mark Levin wants you to take a stand against tyranny and vote for the re-election of President Donald Trump. The 2020 election will determine the course of our republic. Be the Paul Reveres and Thomas Paines of the modern era and encourage friends, family members, and colleagues to vote. In this episode, travel back in time as Mark explores the history of our republic, the philosophy of the founding fathers, and how the progressives of the early 20th century have led us to where we are today.
Brief version (@37:12):

And extended:

Please watch and share...and VOTE!

Related links: Lil Wayne just endorsed President Trump!
Golf legend Jack Nicklaus endorses Trump for reelection, calls him "more diverse" than any president he's seen
Brett Favre endorses President Trump on the day he holds MAGA rally in Green Bay, WI