Wednesday, March 27, 2019

From Dems to Mueller to Media, Levin reveals where the real collusion lies

Man, oh Manischewitz! Mark Levin has been on FIRE over the past week, laying down reason and truth before the American People about the radicals that reside throughout a particular party and within the wider media...
"The greatest threat to our constitution and economic system isn't any foreign power. It's the Democrat party. It's the leftist within the Democrat party because they use our liberty and our constitution to destroy our liberty and our constitution, and they're very good at it."
Mark covers every preposterous suggestion from abolishing the Electoral College to lowering the voting age to stacking the Supreme Court, as well as questioning the absurdity of having "to explain this to people who want to run for president of the United States?"
"Every decision they make or everything they espouse is about power, controlling power."
And that truly is it in a nutshell...

Then with the President's vindication over the weekend, Levin has continued to hold ALL to account daily this week, from the Democrats to Mueller to the Media. Expanding on accountability of members of Congress or those in the media, or the lack thereof to hold themselves accountable or apologize, the Great One drove the point home of where the REAL collusion lies...and an opposition agent has unwittingly helped to spread this message! Thanks?
Well, you have collusion. You have collusion between the Democrat Party, the media and the Obama administration. Hillary Clinton, she's been silent for three or four days, hasn't she? Barack Obama has been silent throughout all this, hasn't he? For all the talk of the Democrats who run these committees, they don't want to talk to Hillary Clinton. They don't want to talk to Barack Obama.

They want transparency. I want transparency. Here's the impeachment clause of the Constitution. Treason, bribery, other high crimes and misdemeanors. I can name people who've committed treason, other high crimes and misdemeanors. He's not in the White House. They're members of Congress. We have a big problem in this country.

The Democrat Party is not a pro-American party. They lost an election. They act like a third world party. They want to destroy the president and the presidency. Listen to their candidates -- anti-American, anti-capitalism, anti-liberty, anti-security, anti-immigration. This is the problem, and the media is the mouthpiece. is time to focus on the Democrats in the House. It is time to focus on the media, and the Hillary campaign, the DNC, Barack Obama. This was Barack Obama's government that did all this.

When the Russians were interfering with our election, they were interfering with our election when Comey was the FBI director, when Clapper was the head of intelligence, when Brennan was the head of the CIA, when Loretta Lynch was the head of the Department of Justice. They went after the candidate of the opposition party.

They put spies in his campaign. They abused the FISA court system. They used opposition research. This country doesn't belong to Adam Schiff and Nadler and Pelosi. Big deal, they got one-half of one-third of the government. It belongs to us.

And you in the free press, you are destroying the free press. This will be met -- noted in history what a bunch of loathsome, ideological mouthpieces you are for the tyranny that is the Democrat party.
DAMN RIGHT, Mark! And it's not time to move on to the next controversy, political fisticuffs or absurdity. It's time to hold all of these conspirators accountable, starting with the ones who insist on disseminating these "outright lies as news", which happens to segue perfectly into Levin's next major work...

Out May 21 and available for pre-order NOW.

Levin's sentiments also coincide perfectly with that of the President's, who's actually having a great ‘news’ week for a change (in spite of them of course!).
Related links: Mark Levin: 'Anti-American' Democrats tried to take down Trump, but won't question Hillary Clinton, Obama
Mark Levin: The real 'collusion' story involves media, Democrats and Obama-era officials
Mark Levin says McCabe, Clapper and Brennan attempted a COUP, should be forced to TESTIFY!!